So nice to see you!

Eric R
Plugin profiles

Scroll tool free WordPress plugin
Fully adjustable scroll to top tool for your site. Now with SVG icons! Easily adapts to any theme. You can change type (button or sidebar),...

KC Settings free WordPress plugin
Version 2.8 only supports WordPress 3.5+ With this plugin, you can easily create a settings/options page for you theme or plugin. You can also create...

Polizeipresse Plugin free WordPress plugin
This plugin loads the latest news from German police stations and displays them in your blog. The plugin offers two ways to publish the news:...

U-Tweets free WordPress plugin
U-Tweets U-Tweets is a very easy to use plugin to display your needed tweets feeds on your web site. It is powered with Twitter’s OAuth...

WP Horizontal Slider free WordPress plugin
This plugin will allow the user to show the featured images attached to a post. This plugin will allow you to choose the contant type...

The Dropbox Plugin free WordPress plugin
The plugin allows browsing downloading and uploading of files to dropbox. Many more features have been added. Troubleshooting Nothing yet, please let me know though....

Teamspeak 3 Widget for WordPress free WordPress plugin
NEW in 1.0.3: I got a lot of Mails with Setup-Problems: The New Version has a more usabile Optionspanel. If you had already installed the...

Simple Sharing free WordPress plugin
Tired of sharing plugins that route all your shares through their site, or weigh your site down with massive bloatware? We were, so we made...

Live Flickr Comment Importer free WordPress plugin
This plugin uses Flickr API to import comments from you Flickr photostream photos to a post of your choice in your WordPress Blog. It additionally...