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Eric R
Plugin profiles

YS images lazyload (Server Side) free WordPress plugin
Inspired by jQuery lazyload plug-in, but due to different browsers can not guarantee that images are lazy (like chrome), so using server-side image src attribute...

WP-Feedmail free WordPress plugin
WP-Feedmail is used to display a subscription form to the sidebar where visitors can subscribe to google feedburner directly. Also the subscribers list can be...

BePro Listings Gallery Slider free WordPress plugin
This is a Free addon for BePro Listings. It is used to replace the stock wordpress gallery for pages generated by BePro Listings. It uses...

Feedgeorge Augmented Reality Plugin free WordPress plugin
To help users in creating augmented reality (AR) content via WordPress CMS, we introduce you Feedgeorge Augmented Reality Plugin (FGARP). This plugin supports only Geolocation...

WP e-Commerce Call for Price free WordPress plugin
This is a WP e-Commerce plugin that allows you to hide the price of a specific product and replace it with a message asking your...

KB Countdown Widget free WordPress plugin
Ever wanted to track a pregnancy, or the time until the next elections, or your baby’s precise age, or something else that will surely fascinate...

Show Some Love from free WordPress plugin
This plugin remembers the details of each person you have added so you don’t have to retype all the details in each post and displays...

Contributors’ Posts free WordPress plugin
This plugin is useful for those who want to add to your blog Columnists or other Characters without having to create new WordPress Users, you...

BackTo Top Plugin free WordPress plugin
在页面的左侧或者右侧创建一个“返回顶部”的按钮,使用“返回顶部”按钮,可以方便快捷平滑的返回到blog的顶部。 This WordPress plugin adds an “Back To Top” button to easily scroll long pages back to the top.

Customers free WordPress plugin
This plugin display a directory of customers, suppliers, friends or others groups with a shortcode [CUSTOMERS]. With a template’s system, it’s easy to change presentation...