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Eric R
Plugin profiles

WooCommerce Payments – Fully Integrated Solution Built and Supported by Woo free WordPress plugin
Payments made simple, with no monthly fees – designed exclusively for WooCommerce stores. Securely accept major credit and debit cards, and allow customers to pay...

Testimonials Widget free WordPress plugin
Our famous Testimonials Widget Premium plugin is now part of the Testimonials Widget plugin. All the premium features are included in this plugin. Let others...

Accordion FAQ – Compatible With All Page Builder (Elementor, Gutenberg) free WordPress plugin
Thanks for visit our plugin. Need an awesome accordion FAq plugin then this is it. Responsive Accordion is has buildup with excellent accordion FAq builder...

Strong Testimonials free WordPress plugin
In just a few steps, you will be collecting and publishing your testimonials or reviews. Beginners and pros alike will appreciate the wealth of flexible...

Responsive Menu – Create Mobile-Friendly Menu free WordPress plugin
Highly customisable Responsive Menu Plugin for WordPress. With over 150 customisable options you get a combination of 22,500 options! No coding experience or knowledge is...

Popup Anything – A Marketing Popup and Lead Generation Conversions free WordPress plugin
Explore Popup Anything Features | Annual or Lifetime Bundle Deal Popup anything work with Popup on Page Load Popup on Link Click Popup on Image...

Widget Options – The #1 WordPress Widget Control Plugin free WordPress plugin
Widget Options lets you add more options to widget settings so you can take full control of your website’s widgets. With over 1,060,000+ downloads and...

Social Share Icons & Social Share Buttons free WordPress plugin
Add social share icons on your website with just a few clicks. Try it out on your free dummy site: Click here => (this...

WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML free WordPress plugin
Everything you need to start selling internationally is in this plugin. Easily set up and manage products in multiple currencies, no matter the size of...

WordPress Simple Shopping Cart free WordPress plugin
WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart allows you to add an ‘Add to Cart’ button for your product on any posts or pages. This simple shopping...