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Eric R
Plugin profiles

Shortcodes and extra features for Phlox theme free WordPress plugin
Overview This plugin adds plenty of premium functionalities to Phlox theme, such as one-click demo importer, plugin manager, new shortcodes, widgets, page builder elements as...

bbPress free WordPress plugin
Are you looking for a timeless, elegant, and streamlined discussion board? bbPress is easy to integrate, easy to use, and is built to scale with...

Autoptimize free WordPress plugin
Autoptimize makes optimizing your site really easy. It can aggregate, minify and cache scripts and styles, injects CSS in the page head by default but...

Burst Statistics – Privacy-Friendly Analytics for WordPress free WordPress plugin
Get detailed insights into visitors’ behaviour with Burst Statistics, the privacy-friendly analytics dashboard from Really Simple Plugins. Features Essential Metrics: Pageviews, Visitors, Sessions, Time on...

BJ Lazy Load free WordPress plugin
Lazy loading makes your site load faster and saves bandwidth. This plugin replaces all your post images, post thumbnails, gravatar images and content iframes with...

Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7 free WordPress plugin
This plugin adds conditional logic to Contact Form 7. If you edit your CF7 form, you will see an additional tag called “Conditional fields Group”....

Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks free WordPress plugin
CoBlocks is the most innovative collection of page building WordPress blocks for the new Gutenberg WordPress block editor. With additional blocks and true row and...

Column Shortcodes free WordPress plugin
Adds shortcodes to easily create columns in your posts or pages. Sometimes you just need to divide your page into different columns. With this plugin...

Elementor Addon Elements free WordPress plugin
Supercharge your Elementor Page Builder experience by using our free addon – Elementor Addon Elements. This addon comes with 24+ widgets and extensions that will...

Ajax Search Lite free WordPress plugin
Ajax Search Lite is a live search plugin for WordPress. This responsive live search engine, which will boost your user experience by providing a user...