Better Extended Live Archive free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: archive archives BELA post template tags

Better Extended Live Archive free WordPress plugin

Better Extended Live Archive (BELA) is a cool AJAX application with which you can display a well-structured and multi-viewed archive navigator on your archive page. With the help of this navigator, visitors of your blog can surf all articles on your blog easily. They can sort titles of your articles by date, by category or by tag. Here is a LIVE DEMO. To install the plugin, Upload the better-extended-live-archive directory and its content to your wp-content/plugins/ directory. Make sure the cache directory permission are set to 0777 (refer to your webhost knowledge-base if need be). Activate it in the plugins admin page. Create a archive page, and put this [extended-live-archive] in your page content. Done! For theme developers: You can include the plugin in your theme like this: Some History The development of the original ELA stopped in June 22nd, 2006. The final version is 0.10 beta R18, which is for WordPress older than version 2.3. Because of the changes of WP database structure, the original ELA did not work in WordPress 2.3 or later. Nevertheless, bloggers can not stop loving it. Many warm hearted programmers fixed this plugin again and again. Till now, you can still find a few working versions of ELA for even WordPress 2.7 or later (This project is also one of them). Of course, this kind of searching work is not that easy. Although there are many patches of ELA, none of them make it better. All the patches you can find are to fix ELA under a certain WordPress version. The aim of this project is to make ELA stronger, faster and easier to use.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Better Extended Live Archive free WordPress plugin