Buooy Scroll To Top free WordPress plugin


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Buooy Scroll To Top free WordPress plugin

Buooy Scroll To Top is a Scroll to Top that actually looks nice. And its incredibly easy to use. Just activate and go! Usage Simple Nothing! Just activate and go! It will automatically create a nice back to top button that will appear after your user scrolls beyond 200px. Advanced There are a few ways to use your own image: Method 1: Create a directory with the EXACT directory name of ‘backtotop’ in your theme root directory and place an image with the EXACT file name of ‘backtotop.png’ or ‘backtotop.jpg’ or ‘backtotop.jpeg’ or ‘backtotop.gif’. If you have multiple image files, the image will load in that order. Method 2: Use the filter ‘back-to-top-image’ as follows in your theme’s functions.php: if(has_filter(‘back-to-top-image’)){ add_filter( ‘back-to-top-image’, ‘add_back_to_top_image’ ); } function add_back_to_top_image(){ return URL_TO_THE_IMAGE_HERE; }


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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Buooy Scroll To Top free WordPress plugin