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Author: Fahad Mahmood Project URI: http://androidbubble.com/blog/wordpress/plugins/alphabetic-pagination WooCommerce Shop Page: http://demo.androidbubble.com/shop WooCommerce Product Category: http://demo.androidbubble.com/product-category/food-items License: GPL 3. Read more...
radSLIDE creates a simple interface for updating a javascript slideshow based on jQuery Cycle. radSLIDE was developed Read more...
This plugin is used to display a notification message if the browser’s Javascript is disabled. Travis CI Read more...
EN: With Frontend Checklist, you can create HTML or PDF-Checklists for your visitors. The status of the Read more...
Provides a widget that displays the featured image for a post or page with custom settings. The Read more...
Generate image galleries from wordpress media categories Add custom taxonomy gallery to media Generate image gallery from Read more...
This calendar comes as a widget that shows your upcoming events. If you want you can automatically Read more...
Automatically checks the validity of the page with the service provided by the site http://validator.w3.org/ Verifica in Read more...
A WordPress security plugin that protect your website from hacks and malware. New Features Google Safe Browsing Read more...
Have you ever started collecting shopping points? What was your reaction? Most of us are really motivated Read more...