Clappr Video Player free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: embed player responsive rtmp video

Clappr Video Player free WordPress plugin

Clappr is an extensible plugin for creating video players that can be used as backgrounds or simple video containers. It is supported by many browsers and basically all mobile devices, even in some video game consoles. It is the most beautiful looking player you can find! Features of this Plugin Supports HLS and RTMP Livestreams Also supports .mp4, .mp3, .webm and.ogv Fully-Responsive, Retina-Ready and flexible Beautiful and modern Design Customizable Colors Optimized page load performance The Shortcode In order to embed a video create a new post/page and use the following shortcode: [clappr media=”″ poster=”” watermark=”” mute=”yes”] A lot of Options In the Admin Area under “Settings” -> “Clappr Shortcodes” you can find a lot of Shortcodes to customize the player. preload=”metadata” you can use auto, metadata, none. autoplay=”yes” if video should automatically play after page load. watermark=”” to display a watermark on the video. watermarkLink=”” to define an URL to open when the watermark is clicked. mute=”yes” if you want to start player with no sound. chromeless=”yes” if you want the player to act in chromeless mode. controlbarvisible=”yes” to disable media control auto hide. hidevolumebar=”yes” to hide volume bars. buttoncolor=”#66B2FF” to set the color (HEX) of the control buttons. seekbarcolor=”#E113D3″ to set the color (HEX) of the seekbar.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Clappr Video Player free WordPress plugin