CLUEVO LMS, E-Learning Platform free WordPress plugin


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CLUEVO LMS, E-Learning Platform free WordPress plugin

Introduction Welcome to the CLUEVO Learning Management System for WordPress. Our LMS allows you to add SCORM e-learning modules, video tutorials, podcasts and other media to your WordPress site. That Content can be organized into courses, chapters and modules and you can easily manage the permissions for different users and groups. SCORM We currently support SCORM 2004 4th edition and have recently added initial support for SCORM 1.2. Other 2004 editions may work but are not officially supported. We are hard at work to provide better support for more versions of the standard. If you have any suggestions on what standards to support please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via the support Forum. Video/Audio Currently many File Formats like mp3, wav, mp4 and webm are supported. With our free oEmbed extension you can also add and organize videos from Youtube, twitch and other Streaming services. Learning Structure The LMS consists of different courses that in turn contain chapters that contain modules. The first thing you’ll want to do is upload a SCORM module. To do this use the uploader on the Learning Management page in the modules tab. Once you have uploaded one (or more!) modules you can start creating your learning structure. Create some courses and add chapters and modules. User Management CLUEVO LMS gives you the ability to set permissions for each level of the learning tree. You can assign users to groups and set permissions for groups or just individual users. Each element of the learning tree can have one of three access levels: 0: No access. Items won’t show up anyware for this user/group 1: Visible. Items will be visible for a user/group but cannot otherwise be accessed 2: Open. The user/group has full access to this element. Hint: As a user with administrative capabilities you have full access to all elements by default. Reports The reports page gives you an overview on the progress your users have made. You can also view the different SCORM parameters. Competence The competence system allows you to define competence areas that consist of different competences. You can then set which modules teach which competences and how much of a competence a module covers. An example could be that you have a competence area named Backoffice that consists of the following competences: Excel Word Outlook You could have various modules that teach each of these competences (to different degrees) and that way get an overview what competences your users have learned. Settings On the settings page you can set various general options like how modules are displayed, the maximum level, titles etc. Feedback If you have any feedback or feature requests please do not hesitate to contact us via the support Forum (


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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CLUEVO LMS, E-Learning Platform free WordPress plugin