Contextual Nav Menu free WordPress plugin
Contextual Nav Menu free WordPress plugin
Add some Contextual Navigation Menu Features.
Provide contextual menus as Navigation Menu, Breadcrumb Navigation Menu and Navigation Submenu Widget.
What is a contextual menu?
It’s simple: it follows the current item as much as possible.
For example, you have a category entry in your primary menu. But when you read a post of this category, your menu has no selected items. Your entry is like orphan.
With Contextual Nav Menu, no more orphans entry. Taxonomies (categories and tags), pages, posts (custom types too) are linked to there parents if they are in the menu.
And if the parent is not in the menu? There still have a solution! You can add to each taxonomy (category and tag), page, post (custom types too) a parent menu item.
With the same mecanism, your Contextual Nav Menu Breadcrumb won’t be blank anymore, it will follow as much as possible your menus structure and is fully customisable.
The Contextual Nav Submenu Widget displays a contextual menu related to the highest parent of the current item.
Add a parent menu item to each taxonomy (category and tag), page, post (custom types too) individualy or with bulk actions
Customise your breadcrumb: titles, image of the home link, menus order
French and English support
Polylang compatibility (breadcrumb is fully multilingual)
Multisite compatibility
Contextual Nav Menus are accessible
Contextual Nav Menus are ready to use with all themes. The plugin does not provide any predefined themes.
Visit for examples.
Contact me if you want to know how to customise your menus.