Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer free WordPress plugin
Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer free WordPress plugin
With WordPress Countdown and CountUp, WooCommerce Sales Timer plugin you can easily create any timer you need. There are a lot of new features that you will like. We added Popup and some other important things for our extended version.
There are also nice and handy themes that you can use.
View our plugin Demo page:
Extended version Demo
The Extended version has a lot of useful features, here are some of those features.
Features of Free version
Fully Responsive
WooCommerce Ready
Ability to use handy calendar with hours and minutes
Ability to set Time Zone
Ability to create unlimited Countdowns
Ability to put unlimited Countdowns on the same page
Ability to use on pages/posts and widgets
Ability to set the width and metrical type of width(px or %)
Ability to use a translation file
Ability to type the text you prefer in the day, hour, minute and second fields
Ability to select the action after time expired
Ability to show message after the time expires
Ability to set elements(fields) width and distance between each other
Ability to set the font size
Ability to type the distance from top/bottom
Ability to set Time(numbers) fields border width and radius
Ability to set Time text fields border width and radius
User-friendly back-end
Tested on popular WordPress themes
You can upgrade the plugin to Countdown Extended Pro to add some features.
The features of Pro version
Ability to use Repeating (Loop) feature
Ability to use Redirect feature
Ability to use it in Popup
Ability to use 6+ Nice Themes
Ability to remove or add any of available time fields(Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds)
Ability to use with “Circle” buttons
Ability to use with “Vertical Slider” buttons
Ability to choose the text color and background color
Ability to type the size
Ability to type the border width and radius
Ability to type the text font-size and select the Font family
Ability to display elements inline
37 awesome animation effects
Ability to set animation for each element or for group
Ability to add Count-Up
Premium Support
If you found any bug in our plugin or have a question contact us using the support forum.
Our plugin has a lot of nice and unique features that you will like. You can add Repeating Timers, Popups, CountUps and much more. Also, our plugin integrated with WooCommerce, so you can use it on WooCommerce websites.
For adding timers you need to do some simple steps. First of all, go to your WordPress website administration panel and find from the left side menu our plugin. Open our plugin page and click on the “Add New” button.
First of all, type the title and then configure other settings. Choose the type. There are 4 main types – single and personal timer, single and personal count-up. The second field is the “End Date”(for count-up, there is also another field “Start Date”). and the last one is the Time Zone option. It is a great option and we advise to use it.
From the second tab of this page, you can configure the action after the time ends. There are 4 options, first one will just hide the timer, second will show text. Also, there are other two options – repeat and redirect. Most users use the last two options.
From the last tab, you will find an option “Before Count up start”. After you configure all settings, just click on the save button.
Then go to the themes page. You will see 4 tabs on the themes page. The first one is the “General Settings”, the other 3 are the Standard, Vertical and Circle timers settings tabs.
From the general settings choose the design type(as we mentioned Standard, Vertical or Circle type). Then choose the width metrical type(px/%) and after that type the width value.
The next option allows users to choose fields for displaying. You can hide or display any field you need. Available fields are Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.
The last option of this tab allows to change texts and configure translations.
Options that are available for the Standard type are:
Elements(fields) width
Distance between elements
Numbers fields background color
Text fields background color
Numbers font size
Text font size
Numbers color
Text color
Numbers font family
Text font family
Numbers padding
Text padding
Numbers margin
Text margin
Numbers fields border width
Text fields border width
Numbers fields border radius
Text fields border radius
Numbers fields border color
Text fields border color
Display elements in-line
Set animation for each element or for group
Animation Effect
Options that are available for the Vertical type are:
Numbers font size
Distance between elements
Numbers font family
Numbers color
Numbers fields background color
Numbers fields border width
Numbers fields border color
Text fields background color
Text font size
Text color
Text font family
Text padding
Text margin
Text fields border width
Text fields border radius
Text fields border color
Display elements in-line
Animation type(elements or group)
Animation Effect
Options that are available for the Circle type are:
Circle width(or height)
Distance between elements
Circle background color
Circle background opacity
Fixed border color
Rotating border color
Circle border width
Border radius of circle border ends
Which direction should the circle border rotate
Numbers font size
Text font size
Numbers color
Text color
Numbers font family
Text font family
Numbers margin
Text padding
Text margin
Elements display type
Set animation for each element or for group
Animation Effects
After adding the theme, save it. Now you can insert the timer anywhere you need, even you can use it in the Popup window.
Integrated with WooCommerce
Our plugin integrated with WooCommerce, so you can easily add it to your product pages. First of all, configure it from the WooCommerce general settings page and set some general options.
After that, you can insert timers from the product page(from the right side).