Counter Ecl free WordPress plugin
Counter Ecl free WordPress plugin
A simple counter to the web and cookie Law. Is responsive.
Counter Ecl
A simple counter to the web
Use bootstrap css.
Customize the counter in new Menu.
Customize the expiry time of the cookie.
Multisite support
Panel container type, list o none.
Counter Types. Text, badge, label or analog.
Translation English, Spanish, French and German
Shortcode [counter_ecl] for post and page.
For more information Plugins WordPress Infocerda
Format counter.
Fancy Counter, 3D effect.
Animation counter: move number, hide, fade and slide.
To determine the duration of effect in milliseconds.
Separate number counter or together.
fix the position Top.
Message for the cookie law. Configure position, color, background ,messagge and effects.
This message is optional. You can activate. The time Cookie is diferent from the Counter.