Creative Blocks – Ultimate Blocks for Gutenberg free WordPress plugin
The Creative Blocks, an elegant professional page building blocks for the WordPress Gutenberg block editor is the collection of flexible, clean, simple and reactive blocks ready to use in your pages and posts. Creative Blocks is an exclusively powerful approach to blogging and creating content. Our attractive blocks allow you to build beautifully rich pages in your WordPress site. Check out the live Gutenberg blocks demos The Gutenberg based Creative
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: block blocks gutenberg Gutenberg block gutenberg blocks
Creative Blocks – Ultimate Blocks for Gutenberg free WordPress plugin
Keon Themes
The Creative Blocks, an elegant professional page building blocks for the WordPress Gutenberg block editor is the collection of flexible, clean, simple and reactive blocks ready to use in your pages and posts. Creative Blocks is an exclusively powerful approach to blogging and creating content. Our attractive blocks allow you to build beautifully rich pages in your WordPress site.
Check out the live Gutenberg blocks demos
The Gutenberg based Creative Blocks is an ingenious page builder plugin which is built to create the stunning web pages or entire websites. This plugin is well designed and very practical to build a complete website with speed and performance.
Each of the blocks of this plugin are precisely fine tuned to enhance the customization experience. Customize each block to your taste using our advanced custom settings.
Font Icons:
Author: Font Awsesome,
Source: http://fontawesome.io,
License: https://fontawesome.com/license (Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
Author: InuYaksa,
Source: https://github.com/inuyaksa/jquery.nicescroll,
License: MIT
Author: Ken Wheeler,
Source: https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick,
License: MIT
Creative Blocks Library
Section : Add a section to wrap several blocks into a single section. Choose how many columns you’d like, select a layout, drag to resize, set padding and drop in background images or color for the section.
Post Masonry : Add a powerful post masonry, which will modify your posts to better looking advance Masonry layout with customizable columns, post order, category, content and image setting.
Post Slider : Add an energetic unlimited post slideshow with single or multiple posts per slide. Includes autoplay, post order, category, content and image settings.
Icon Box : Add a dynamic icon box section contain icon or image, heading, subheading, description in which it allows you to choose number of items with individual icon box settings includes typography, background and color settings.
Accordion : Add an accordion text toggle with a heading and description. Include icons to represent whether toggle is active or not.
Profile Box : Add a profile box with a name, designation, description, an avatar and social media links.
Callback : Add an eye-catching section with a big heading, description and customizable multiple buttons. Includes background image and colors.
Advanced Heading : Add a attractive, catchy headings with subheading and an optional divider with styling options in your page.
Spacer : Add an adjustable spacer between your blocks.
Divider : Add a Divider between your blocks with an styling options.
Many more blocks coming soon !!!!