Custom Cookie Message free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: consent cookie cookie bar custom message

Custom Cookie Message free WordPress plugin

Installing and activating the plugin will automatically make it appear with the default content and styling. Custom cookie message is compatible with multilanguages where all you have to do is translate the strings of the cookie message as you would with any other strings. In plugins such as WPML or Polylang the cookie message strings show up just as other strings and are ready to be translated. Custom cookie message is also compatible with multisites. The location of the message is customizable as well as the content and styling. The settings can be found under settings -> cookies. Features We have a list of cookies by default so the customers can delete them if they want to, and you can expand this list using this filter: add_filter( ‘default_advertising_list_filters’, ‘add_som_cookies_name_to_default_list’ ); /** * To expand advertising cookies list * @param $default_cookies * * @return array */ function add_som_cookies_name_to_default_list( $default_cookies ){ $default_cookies[] = ‘cookie_name’; return $default_cookies; } Default cookies list: _ga,_gid,_hjIncludedInSample,_hjid,1P_JAR,APISID,CONSENT,HSID,NID,SAPISID,SEARCH_SAMESITE,SID,SIDCC,SSID,UULE


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Custom Cookie Message free WordPress plugin