Dialog Contact Form free WordPress plugin
Dialog Contact Form is the ultimate FREE form creation tool for WordPress. Build forms within minutes using a simple yet powerful drag-and-drop form creator. Dialog Contact Form can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, File upload, reCAPTCHA spam filtering and so on. Features of Dialog Contact Forms include, but are not limited to:
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: contact form feedback form form builder forms
Dialog Contact Form free WordPress plugin
Sayful Islam
Dialog Contact Form is the ultimate FREE form creation tool for WordPress. Build forms within minutes using a simple yet powerful drag-and-drop form creator. Dialog Contact Form can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, File upload, reCAPTCHA spam filtering and so on.
Features of Dialog Contact Forms include, but are not limited to:
Very simple and lightweight. Designed both PHP and JavaScript performance in mind and faster than many popular form plugin.
No JavaScript dependency, Written in vanilla JavaScript. Use JavaScript Constraint Validation API for form validation and FormData Objects for submitting form.
Form submission via AJAX, allowing a seamless user experience without page refreshes.
NO LIMITATIONS on the number of forms, fields, emails, actions, or submissions.
Support upload file as attachment and store file in WordPress media.
Give your users a success message or redirect them elsewhere after they complete a form.
Support Google reCAPTCHA to protect your form from spam.
Option page for SMTP settings for better mail delivery.
Privacy Notices
With the default configuration, this plugin, in itself, does not:
track users by stealth;
send any data to external servers;
use cookies.
If you activate certain features in this plugin, the contact form submitter’s personal data, including their IP address, may be sent to the service provider. Thus, confirming the provider’s privacy policy is recommended. These features include:
reCAPTCHA (Google)
MailChimp (The Rocket Science Group)
For Developers
For developers, utilize built-in hooks, filters, and even custom field templates to do whatever you need at any step in the form building or submission using Dialog Contact Form as a framework.
The Dialog Contact Form framework is on GitHub! If you’re a developer and want to help make Dialog Contact Form better, check it out.