Easy FancyBox free WordPress plugin
Easy FancyBox plugin for WordPress websites gives you a flexible and aesthetic light box solution for just about all media links on your website. Easy FancyBox uses an updated version of the traditional FancyBox jQuery extension and is WP 3+ Multi-Site compatible. After activation you can find a new section FancyBox on your Settings > Media admin page where you can manage the media light box options. After activation, all
Easy FancyBox free WordPress plugin
Easy FancyBox plugin for WordPress websites gives you a flexible and aesthetic light box solution for just about all media links on your website. Easy FancyBox uses an updated version of the traditional FancyBox jQuery extension and is WP 3+ Multi-Site compatible. After activation you can find a new section FancyBox on your Settings > Media admin page where you can manage the media light box options.
After activation, all links to JPG, GIF and PNG images are automatically opened in the FancyBox Mac/Gnome-style lightbox that floats over the web page.
GDPR / EU Privacy
This plugin does not collect any data and does not set any browser cookies. However, the PRO version offers an option to disable the automatic popup after the first visit, which needs a browser cookie. This cookie stores the visitors first website visit timestamp and path on the client side. It is not shared nor is any data stored server side or elsewhere.
Supported media and content types:
All common image formats including webp
Hosted video on Youtube, Vimeo and Dailmotion
PDF files (embed with object tag, in iframe or in external Google Docs Viewer)
SWF (Flash) files
SVG media images (thanks to Simon Maillard)
Inline HTML content (see instructions in the FAQs)
External web pages (see instructions in the FAQs)
Also supports:
WordPress Galleries (option “Link to” must be set to “Media File”)
NextGEN galleries (see instructions in the FAQs)
Image maps
WordPress menu items (see instructions in the FAQs)
Jetpack Infinite Scroll
Additional features:
Modal window option (see instructions in the FAQs)
Automatic detection of media file links
Automatic detection of galleries
Popup on page load optional (see instructions in the FAQs)
Fade or Elastic popup effects
Styling options for light box overlay (color and opacity) and window (border size and color)
For advanced options and priority support, there is a Pro extension available. See Pro features below.
See FAQ’s for instructions to manage YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo movies (and similar services) and tips to make inline content display in a FancyBox overlay.
Get support on the Easy FancyBox web page or WordPress forum.
Visit FancyBox for more information and examples.
Priority support on dedicated forum
Slideshow effect for galleries (autorotation)
Spotlight effect for the light box overlay
FacetWP, Gravity Forms and TablePress compatibility
More styling options: rounded corners, inline content background and text colors
More automatic popup options: triggered by URL hash, first link by media type, hide popup after first visit
Pass dedicated light box setting per media link via link class (see Metadata instructions in the FAQs)
More elastic (easing) popup effects on open and close
Show/hide image title on mouse hover
Fine-tune media link and gallery autodetection to match your theme source markup to allow galleries per post for example
For these additional features, you need to install the Pro extension alongside this free plugin.
If you’re happy with this plugin as it is, please consider writing a quick rating or helping other users out on the support forum.
If you wish to help build this plugin, you’re very welcome to translate Easy FancyBox into your language or contribute bug reports, feature suggestions and/or code on Github.
Outbound click or Download tracking in some of the stats plugins can interfere with FancyBox. Disable such options or exclude links manually with a class if possible (see instructions for SlimStat below)
Most plugins and themes that already include a light box script. Continue reading to see if you are using one of the know ones or follow the troubleshooting steps to find out what is conflicting on your site.
Any theme that is missing the obligatory call in the footer.php template.
When showing an iframe as inline content in FancyBox — not advised, use fancybox-iframe instead! — the iframe will become blank after opening and closing it. The solution is to link directly to the iframe source and use class=”fancybox-iframe” instead.
Embedded flash content that has no wmode or wmode ‘window’, is displayed above the overlay and other javascript rendered content like dropdown menus. WordPress does NOT check for missing wmode in oEmbed generated embed code. Since version, the missing wmode is added by this plugin for WP (auto-)embeds but not for other user-embedded content. Please make sure you set the wmode parameter to ‘opaque’ (best performance) or ‘transparent’ (only when you need transparency) for your embedded content.
Plugin conflicts
jQuery Updater moves jQuery to version 2+ which is incompatible.
WP Slimstat and Matomo/Piwik with Track Outbound Clicks enabled, will break the light box effect on some browsers. Adding fancybox (or any of the other classes like fancybox-youtube,fancybox-iframe,fancybox-inline depending on which media should be displayed in FancyBox) to the Do Not Track field is reported to solve the issue. Slimstat also might interfere with the YouTube url conversion. When clicking a Youtube link, the movie opens in an overlay as it is supposed to but immediately after that, the complete page gets redirected to the original YouTube page. Adding a class=”noslimstat” to the link is reported to work around the issue.
Google Analytics for WordPress converts links like href=”#anyID” to href=”http://yoursite.url/page/#anyID”, disabling inline content shown in FancyBox.
Both the uBillBoard and Camera slideshow have their own easing script hard-coded which conflicts with the one in Easy FancyBox. The only way around the conflict is to set both the Easing In and Easing Out options on your Settings > Media page to Swing.
WordPress Firewall 2 blocks access to image files needed for proper display of the FancyBox overlay in older IE and other non-css3 browsers.
WordPress Amazon Associate: A script provided by Amazon and the FancyBox script are incompatible. Disabling Product Preview in the WP – Amazon > Settings page should work around the issue.
WP Supersized uses the Animate Enhanced jQuery extension which causes a conflict with the Easing extension used by FancyBox resulting in a 0px sized lightbox frame and/or some kind of positioning issue with auto-centering.
Theme conflicts
Older versions of Elegant Themes have FancyBox integrated in a hard-coded way, making them incompatible with Easy FancyBox. In the latest versions of these themes, there is an option to disable the included FancyBox. Use this option to make your theme compatible with Easy FancyBox