Easy Social Icons free WordPress plugin

You can upload your own social icon or font-awesome social icons, set your social URL, choose whether you want to display vertically or horizontally, left or right or center aligned, icon width height or margins. You can use the shortcode [cn-social-icon] in page/post, template tag for PHP file, also you can use the widget “Easy Social Icons” for the sidebar. If you are using wordpress version lower than 3.5 please
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: easy social icon Easy Social Icons Social social icon social icons
Easy Social Icons free WordPress plugin
You can upload your own social icon or font-awesome social icons, set your social URL, choose whether you want to display vertically or horizontally, left or right or center aligned, icon width height or margins.
You can use the shortcode [cn-social-icon] in page/post, template tag for PHP file, also you can use the widget “Easy Social Icons” for the sidebar.
If you are using wordpress version lower than 3.5 please use “Easy Social Icons” version
For faster support please contact us here.
Cover original color for 100+ font-awesome brand icons
Key Features
You can upload your own social icons, set URL for that icon with sort order, target windows etc.
Or select font icons from font-awesome (Cover original color for 100+ font-awesome brand icons)
Create mutiple icons set using widget with different settings
Use mutiple shortcode in page/post with different settings
Use mutiple PHP template tag in PHP themes files with different settings
Works with responsive website
You will get add/edit/delete option for icons
You can set the icon width and height to fit in your template/design perfectly
You can display your social share icons vertically or horizontally to match perfectly with your template/design.
You can put your social icon set in the sidebar using the widget
You can insert your social icon set in pages/posts using shortcode
Sort social media icons using drag drop
Also if you are familiar with PHP code then you can use the template tag to place the social icon set anywhere in the PHP template file
Google Social Profile Links feature added, so if someone search your website/blog in google it will show your social icons also.
Please visit our site www.cybernetikz.com/