EasyTimetable – Responsive Schedule management system free WordPress plugin
EasyTimetable – Responsive Schedule management system free WordPress plugin
EasyTimetable allows you to build beautiful custom responsive Schedule/Timetable in no time thanks to a user-friendly interface using jQuery & Ajax
New v 1.4.0: Full access role management: give access to each action (create, manage, delete, duplicate) to a different role
New v 1.3.0: automatically display the date & the name of the day in the site language for each column
New v 1.3.0: choose the display period (week number)
a Single page to manage everything
fully customizable (backgroung color, font color, image)
jQuery Drag & Drop system to insert activities in the Schedule
Insert additionnal informations in the cell of the activity
Display additionnal informations & activity’s image in a tooltip
Display the full description of the activity in a dialog box
Read the documentation to see how it is simple and fast
Get Extended version for more features
New v 1.4.13: New shortcode parameter that allows to limit the number of activities displayed in a timetable. This way you can choose to display different activities on different pages with the same timetable.
New v 1.4.11: Adaptative mode is available!
New v 1.4.5: Support the display of multiple schedule on the same page by putting multiple shortcodes on the same page
New v 1.4.5: New EasyTimetable WIDGET to display timetable in widget positions
New v 1.4.2: Support Multisites systems
New v 1.4.0: User as editor: Select a single user as editor for each schedule
New v 1.3.0:
Create as many schedule variations as you need
Display them on the same page
and/or alternate schedules weekly
by choosing a display period (weeks) for each variation
New v 1.2.2: HTML allowed in activity’s description text and text in the cell
New v 1.2.0: Delete activity button with 2 options
New v 1.1.0: Put 2 activities in one cell
Print schedules
Duplicate schedules
Display Activity filters in the Front-end
Modify the end time for each scheduled activity
Unlimited schedules – one in the free version
99 columns – 7 in the free version
99 cells – 10 in the free version
Unlimited activities – 8 in the free version
Unlimited duration – 60 mins in the free version
A big huge grateful thanks to the WordPress-fr team for their time and support! Thx guys !
And soon in the Extended
Booking system
Category system
Display today or upcoming activities
Custom each dropped activity with its own tooltip, description, color and image
Dynamic display of the activities list
and more…
timetable, schedule, agenda, week calendar, week agenda, week schedule, scheduled activities, school timetable, schedule management, planning, emploi du temps, Zeitplan, Wochenplan, programma settimanale, orario, empleo del tiempo, horario semanal, programa??o semanal, hor?rio, dienstregeling