Enigma free WordPress plugin
Enigma free WordPress plugin
Enigma encrypts text on demand and decrypts it on client to avoid your email
address and any other sensitive content caught robots.
Use short code [enigma]…[/enigma] to encrypt any content of your post.
[enigma]content I don’t want search engine to catch.[/enigma]
The content inside engima tag will be encrypted and search engines
get nothing.
[enigma text=”Hello World”]Actual Text[/enigma]
Search engine will only see “Hello World” but normal user will see
“Actual Text”.
[enigma text=”Click here” ondemand=”y”][/enigma]
A clickable instruction “Click here” is shown, and after user clicks it,
the text will be replaced with the .
[engima text=”Reply and see” ondemand=”replied”]Content that is not visiable until reader replies.[/engima]
The content will be invisible to user, until he/she replies. This feature
is compatible with WordPress caching plugins.