Floating Social Media Popout Buttons free WordPress plugin
Floating Social Media Popout Buttons free WordPress plugin
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Floating Social Media Popout allows your webpage to show a face book like box and GooglePlus Badge widget when a visitor mouse hover the floating face book icon or GooglePlus icon located on right side of webpage.This plugin is the most efficient way to integrate the important social plugins like GooglePlus, face book. Jquery allows plug-in?s to pop out smoothly when user mouse hover the social media icons.
Provides floating facebook like box popout on mouse hover.
Provides floating GooglePlus badge popout on mouse hover.
User has the option not to display poputs by leaving the option fields blank in Plugin options screen.
Floating Social Media popout Options
FaceBook Page URL – Set the page url of your facebook page, url should include https, leave this field blank if you don?t want to use it.
GooglePlus Page ID – Set the GooglePlus page ID of your GooglePlus Page you want to display, leave this field blank if you don?t want to use it.