Galleria Galleria free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: galleries gallery photo photo gallery photos

Galleria Galleria free WordPress plugin

Galleria Galleria is a fork of Photo Galleria that is designed to minimize resources and selectively load javascript. This plugin will only load javascript on pages that actually have a gallery. Galleria Galleria also keeps standard gallery styling if javascript is not enabled. Beyond that, this plugin is built using the Galleria javascript library that allows for advanced theming and customization. Links: github Gallery Shortcode This plugin uses the standard shortcode to create slideshows. It also adds support for a per gallery height attribute in the format to create a gallery with a height of 500px. Custom Galleria Themes The Galleria javascript library uses themes to style your galleries. If you would like to customize the build-in themes or use a paid theme add a galleria-themes directory inside your WordPress theme directory (make sure to place your galleria theme javascript file directly within the galleria-themes directory.) When you visit the Galleria Galleria settings page your javascript file will appear in the design dropdown menu.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Galleria Galleria free WordPress plugin