Gravity Forms Advanced File Uploader free WordPress plugin
Need more control over Gravity Forms multiple file uploads. Want to store file uploads in WordPress media library. Large file support with chunked uploads, get around server upload limits Like a choice of upload user interfaces (jQuery UI, Queue, Custom) Need advanced control over plupload options Would like to store uploaded videos on YouTube account (also Brightcove. Vimeo coming soon!) Added security and validation Bonus Terms of Service Gravity Forms
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: gravity forms gravity forms file upload gravity forms file uploader gravity forms uploader plupload
Gravity Forms Advanced File Uploader free WordPress plugin
Benjamin Moody
Need more control over Gravity Forms multiple file uploads.
Want to store file uploads in WordPress media library.
Large file support with chunked uploads, get around server upload limits
Like a choice of upload user interfaces (jQuery UI, Queue, Custom)
Need advanced control over plupload options
Would like to store uploaded videos on YouTube account (also Brightcove. Vimeo coming soon!)
Added security and validation
Bonus Terms of Service Gravity Forms field with optional submit disable feature
Creating posts with gavity forms? All uploads are added as post attachments and can be displayed with the [get_adv_uploads] shortcode
Also use the wordpress gallery shortcode to display any images attached to a post
This is the Gravity Forms uploader plugin for those who need a little more than the default multi file upload of Gravity Forms v1.8.
Note — if you are running an older version of Gravity Forms without the built in multi file upload you can use this (tested from v1.6 upwards).
The plugin options page provides you with granular control over many Plupload parameters from file extension filters to chunked uploading and runtimes.
All files are uploaded to the WordPress media library on successful form submission making for easy access and management.
If you chose to activate the Video Uploader add-on the plugin will detect any video files being uploaded and automatically send them to your YouTube account as private videos awaiting review (Also includes Brightcove FTP, Vimeo API is on its way!).
For the security conscious among you the plugin takes many steps to protect the server from nasty files:
filename encryption
prevention of file execution in tmp folder via htaccess
validation of both file extension and mime type
crosscheck mime types against WordPress mime white list
filenames changed once added to media library
Large File Support – Enable chunked file uploads to allow for large files uploads and circumvent server uploads limits.
Advanced Customization – If you are a dev and need even more control there are a number of filters and actions to hook into. Also you can make a copy of the ini scripts used to generate each UI. Place them in your theme and just wp_dequeue_script then enqueue_script with your script path and it will have access to all the localized vars.
Please Note — When using the Video Uploader option, although actual file upload takes place asynchronously. If your server script timeouts are too short you will have problems with larger video files. That said the plugin does try to increase the timeout but it really depends on your hosting setup.
* ‘prso_gform_pluploader_processed_uploads’
* ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_prso_gforms_youtube_upload_init’
* ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_prso_gforms_youtube_upload_save_data’
* ‘prso_gform_youtube_uploader_pre_get_attachment_data’ – Allow devs to hook in before getting attachment data
* ‘prso_gform_pluploader_container’
* ‘prso_gform_pluploader_server_validation_args’
* ‘prso_gform_pluploader_entry_attachment_links’
* ‘prso_gform_pluploader_attachment_post_title’