Import by URL free WordPress plugin
Import by URL free WordPress plugin
Allows you to import website pages from the Internet into yours WordPress as a posts and categories,
recursively creating directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server and implements it into your post.
Core features:
– easy to use – can start grabbing after 2 fields be filled
– easy to config – supported yml config format
– multi-thread grabbing without any additional extensions for web/app server
– all grabbed pages will be saved directly as WordPress post items, the same about categories
– all grabbed css, js, images ( even the background images set by css ) be saved to grabbed folder
– all image src will be updated be consistent with a new path where they saved
– all inline css will be included to post and might be edited in individual window ( grabber search all css selectors, matches it with all css in all files content and paste into the post only your matched styles)
Note: multi thread grabbing available only for non FastCGI mode.