Library Bookshelves free WordPress plugin
The Library Bookshelves plugin allows you to curate virtual bookshelves just like you would a shelf around a theme in your library. Bookshelves are displayed as customizable Slick carousels, using cover art from, and links to, your library catalog. The plugin creates a Bookshelves post type, shortcode, widget, and custom taxonomy. Many of you have asked for a way to have Bookshelves which link directly to cloudLibrary, Hoopla, or Overdrive,
Library Bookshelves free WordPress plugin
Guilderland Public Library
The Library Bookshelves plugin allows you to curate virtual bookshelves just like you would a shelf around a theme in your library. Bookshelves are displayed as customizable Slick carousels, using cover art from, and links to, your library catalog. The plugin creates a Bookshelves post type, shortcode, widget, and custom taxonomy.
Many of you have asked for a way to have Bookshelves which link directly to cloudLibrary, Hoopla, or Overdrive, and also have Bookshelves which link to your main catalog. Well, here it is! Look for the ebook catalog options in the Bookshelves post editor.
This plugin currently supports these catalog systems:
– BiblioCommons
– Bibliotheca cloudLibrary
– Calibre and COPS
– Civica Spydus
– DB/Textworks
– EBSCOHost Discovery Service
– Evergreen
– Ex Libris Primo
– Hoopla
– Innovative Encore, WebPAC PRO, and Polaris
– Koha
– Marmot Pika
– OpenLibrary.org
– Overdrive
– SirsiDynix Enterprise and Horizon
– WorldCat
It supports retrieval of images from these third-party CDNs:
– Amazon
– ChiliFresh
– Baker & Taylor
– OpenLibrary.org
– Syndetics
– TLC.
Bookshelves can be populated using:
– Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server API
– Evergreen SuperCat feeds
– JSON data from any web address
– Koha Reports Web Service
– Koha RSS feeds
– New York Times Books API
– Pika API
– Sierra API
– SirsiDynix Symphony Web Service
When using an API you can set a Bookshelf to update items on a regular schedule using the WordPress cron system. Items returned from an API query which have no associated cover art in your selected image CDN are automatically removed from the Bookshelf.
If you would like this plugin to support another catalog system, CDN, or web service email me.
Originally developed by and for staff at the Guilderland Public Library.
Thanks to Gregory Testa of Chesapeake Public Library and Josh Stompro of Lake Agassiz Regional Library for feature suggestions and code contributions.
We want to know where our plugin is being used and how you’re using it! Don’t worry, we’re not going to use any tracking code to find out. If you are one of the many libraries using this plugin drop us a line and say “Hi!”
Go to Bookshelves>Settings to configure the plugin.
On the Catalog tab enter the domain name of your catalog (default is OpenLibrary.org).
Select your catalog system and image CDN.
If you have Polaris 6.3 or higher you may need to choose the Polaris 6.3+ catalog option if your item links fail.
ChiliFresh users will need to add their website domain to “Covered hosts” in the ChiliFresh Admin Panel for images to display.
TLC users will need to enter a Customer ID which can be found in your catalog’s item cover art URLs.
Enter your Overdrive or cloudLibrary catalog URL if you wish to have Bookshelves link to that catalog. You can then set individual Bookshelves to link to your ebook catalog instead of your main catalog.
On the Slider Settings tab you can customize Bookshelf behavior. Defaults have been set to get you started.
On the CSS Settings tab you can customize some Bookshelf element styles.
Getting Started
Create a new Bookshelf using ISBNs or UPCs from items in your catalog. You can input items manually, from an exported list, or from a web service API. Paste the Bookshelf shortcode into a post or page, or use the Bookshelf widget. Add location tags to your Bookshelves to display them in the widget or just to keep them organized. The widget can organize Bookshelves in tabs, and will sort Bookshelves by the Order attribute.
You can make a Bookshelf that links tn an ebook catalog while having other Bookshelves link to your main catalog. To do this, enter your ebook catalog URL(s) in addition to your main catalog URL in the plugin settings. Create a new Bookshelf and choose an option in the eBook Catalog box.
EBSCOHost users must enter Accession Numbers, and Calibre/COPS users must enter book ID numbers instead of ISBNs or UPCs.
You can modify Bookshelf items and alt text using the WP REST API. The API endpoint for Bookshelf posts is https://{your.library.url}/wp-json/wp/v2/bookshelves/. This plugin only supports the REST API in WordPress 5.3 and higher.
Known Issues
There is a known issue using the Bookshelves widget in tabbed mode and the Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer plugin.