mcjh button shortcode free WordPress plugin
mcjh button shortcode free WordPress plugin
Create nice call-to-action Buttons (cta buttons) in 12 predefined colors or whole hexadecimalcode, using own labelling and individual target-URLs. A special settings-page offers an easy-to-use shortcode-generator with preview feature.
Define custom button text
Set a custom text color
Define custom link
Define a custom link title
Define, if target should be opened in a new window/tab or the current one
Use 12 predefined colors or custom hexadecimal color code
Define a javascript onclick action
Use Placeholders for page-id, button-id, target-url, text and current page as arguments in javascript functions
Define inline button behavior
Add custom css
Activate/deactivate rounded corners
Make clicks trackable
Usable in Widgets, Content and theme-parts
Easy to use Shortcode Generator in backend with color picker
QuickDocs Shortcode
text: defines the text of the button
link: the link your button points to, must start with “http://” to work properly
color: the color of your button
title: the mouse over title
onclick: an onclick action to be executed before switching to the given link
target: defines the target window of the link
style: defines the intext behavior for the button (float, block etc)
rounded: defines, if button corners are rounded, or not
tcolor: defines the text color by hexdec code
css: custom css for buttons
QuickDocs Javascript Placeholders
These placeholders only work in the “onlick” attribute and can be used as button-specific arguments in javacript functions.
They generally would be used like this: onclick=”your_awesome_js_function({buttonid},{link},{pageurl})”;
{link} will be replaced by the button-link
{pageid} will be replaced by the page id that contains this button
{pageurl} will be replaced by the page url that contains this button
{text} will be replaced by the button text
{buttonid} will be replaced by the button id
Important: Don’t use quotes in combination with the placeholders, since they are rendered with quotes automatically!
Example shortcode
[createButton text=”my text” link=”” color=”gold” title=”my awesome button” onclick=”alert({url})” target=”_blank” style=”blockleft” rounded=”false” tcolor=”#123″ css=”a{min-height:300px;}” ]