Mollie for Contact Form 7 free WordPress plugin
Add-on plugin for Contact Form 7 – adds three fields and a shortcode. Mollie Description Add a (hidden) field: [text paymentdescription “Payment for This is my description”] Payment amount The amount which needs to be payed. Does accept shortcodes without brackets like so: [amount* amount-734 “CF7_GET key=’Amount’”] Payment Options Optional field so that the user can select from available payment options. This field is filled automatically with all payment options
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: contact form 7 mollie ideal mollie payment form paypal
Mollie for Contact Form 7 free WordPress plugin
Ewald Harmsen
Add-on plugin for Contact Form 7 – adds three fields and a shortcode.
Mollie Description
Add a (hidden) field: [text paymentdescription “Payment for This is my description”]
Payment amount
The amount which needs to be payed.
Does accept shortcodes without brackets like so:
[amount* amount-734 “CF7_GET key=’Amount’”]
Payment Options
Optional field so that the user can select from available payment options.
This field is filled automatically with all payment options from Mollie.
You can also add extra options like “cash”.
If this field is not present, people have to select the payment option on the mollie website.
If there is only one payment option available this will be automatically selected.
There are three Payment options types:
The type is “oneoff”, ment for payment that occur once
This list all availbale payment options for recurring payments
Initial payment
This lists all available payment options to do the first payment of a recurring payment.
This initial payment is needed to confirm the recurring payment.
If you want to do recurring payment and you have only one recurring payment option available, you can skip this the recurring field.
Only an Initial payment field is enough.
iDeal bankchoice:
If payment option iDeal is chosen, this field can be used to select the bank (issuer).
You can optionally add a field with name “frequency” to use with the recurring payment to set the payment frequency in months.
You can optionall add a date field with the name “chargedate” to use with the recurring payment to set the first chargedate.
Shortcode for payment result
This shortcode can be used on a custom redirect page or on the form page itself.
The shortcode can have a shortcode nested within it.
It accepts two arguments, both can include layout and pictures:
succes — the succes message to be displayed
fail — the failure message to be displayed
On succes only the success message will be displayed.
In all other cases the nested content will be displayed.
You can include shortcodes just use $l for [ and $r for ]
Shortcode can thus be used like this:
[payment_result success = “Uw donatie is succesvol ontvangen. Hartelijk dank daarvoor! $lSome shortcode$r” fail = “Uw donatie is mislukt, probeert u het alstublieft opnieuw.”]
[payment_result success = “Your payment was successful.” fail = “Payment failed, try again.”] Fill in the form below to pay. [contact-form-7 id=”211″ title=”Paymentform”] Thank you. [/payment_result]
In this case the contact form with id 211 will not be shown on successful payment, only the success message will.
All arguments are optional, you can also use the shortcode like this: [payment_result].
In that case the default messages will be:
‘Payment was successful, thank you.’
‘Payment failed, please try again.’
Shortcode for payment overview
The short code [paymentstable] gives an oveview of all payments made.
It accepts the parameters: hide, header, paymenttype and columns
hide difines the columns no to shown
header changes the title
paymenttype define whether to show only subscriptions (paymenttype=”subscription”) or only one time payments (paymenttype=”onetime”)
columns defines custom column names.
status=”paid” only shows payments with the status paid
search = “!Description=’Some decription’” shows all payments excluding the one with “Some decription” as description
search = “Description=’Some decription’” shows all payments with “Some decription” as description
[paymentstable} hide=”Time,OrderID,CustomerID,Times,PaymentID, Status,SubscriptionID” header=Custom table title” columns=”ID,Naam,E-mail,Bedrag, Omschrijving,Frequentie,Start datum, Mogelijke acties” status=”paid” search=”!Description=’Some description’”]
General Settings
Create a Mollie account, and paste the api into the side-wide api key field under “Mollie”, or use it on the form specific settings tab.
Optionally define a redirect page.
One off payment
[hidden paymentdescription “Payment for some description”] [submission_id_hidden orderid]
Recurring Payment with multiple recurring methods avaialble
[hidden paymentdescription “Payment for some description”]
Minimal Recurring Payment
[hidden paymentdescription “Payment for some description”]