Multilingual Text free WordPress plugin


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Multilingual Text free WordPress plugin

Just tag parts of your text to be in different languages, and a flag will appear next to the text and allows users to switch between them. No other elements of the blog will be translated. Use [:gb] to specify that the following text part is english, or use any other two char language code. To use one text block in multiple languages use e.g. [:gb,de], which is handy for parts like images. Write [:*] to use the block in all (within the text already known) languages. You can without any problem mix many of those tags. e.g. [:gb]english-intro[:de]german-intro[:*]common image[…]. Optionally also the title of a text can be multilingual, but requires theme modification. The flags can be placed: next to the text. This is the default and do work out of the box. next to the title. This requires a template change. an other place. If you would like to place e.g. the flags in a widget (which is included). Thanks Thanks to: zorun for the flags Tamas, Anton for beta testing Contributing You may overwork the readme and also the other texts… that would be great. If you have ideas/bugs please contact me. Code The package also contains an version for PHP5.3+. The file is functional identical to the other one (which only requires PHP 5.2) but makes usage of a nice new feature and is easier to read/write. When WordPress requires PHP5.3+ (sometime in the future) that file will be used. Flags The flags are from and under CC-BY-SA License (


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Multilingual Text free WordPress plugin