Multiple Columns for Gravity Forms free WordPress plugin
Multiple Columns for Gravity Forms free WordPress plugin
When activated this plugin allows Gravity Forms elements to be split into columns. To implement the columns three new elements (Row Start, Column Break, and Row End) which are introduced into the Gravity Forms administration area in a group labelled as Multiple Columns Fields.
For each form, in its form settings it is possible to enable and disable the plugin’s CSS and JS that are used by the plugin. The CSS file is responsible for the layout of the form, and the JS file is used to remove unwanted spacing generated if using conditional logic to hide form elements. It is advised to keep the CSS enabled at all times, but the JS should only be enabled in the case of hidden elements through the use of conditional logic.
Note: If updating from version 3.0.3 or earlier. If the columns are not displaying, please visit the Form Settings for each form and check the Enable CSS checkbox.
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A big thank you goes to K. Woodberry, T. Kaufenberg, J. Wright, D. Donnelly, A. Sharma for identifying issues, and assisting in finding solutions to them.