Network Latest Posts free WordPress plugin
Network Latest Posts free WordPress plugin
Jose Luis SAYAGO
‘wtitle_o’ =>
‘content_o’ => ‘meta_o’ => ‘thumbnail_o’ =>
‘thumbnail_io’ =>
- ‘pagination_o’ =>‘title_o’ =>
‘excerpt_o’ =>
Ordered List:
‘wrapper_o’ =>
‘wtitle_o’ =>
‘content_o’ => ‘meta_o’ => ‘thumbnail_o’ =>
‘thumbnail_io’ =>
‘pagination_o’ => ‘title_o’ =>
‘excerpt_o’ =>
‘wrapper_o’ => ‘wtitle_o’ =>
‘item_o’ =>
‘content_o’ =>‘meta_o’ => ‘thumbnail_o’ =>-
‘thumbnail_io’ =>
‘pagination_o’ => ‘title_o’ =>
‘excerpt_o’ =>
$nlp_instance is replaced by .nlp-instance-X where X is a number o the name of the instance passed via shortcode. $wrapper_list_css and $wrapper_block_css are replaced by the default values or those passed using the widget form or the shortcode. Shortcode Options This is an just an example with the default values which means I could have used [nlposts] instead, but this will show you how the parameters are passed. For more examples please visit the Network Latest Post website. [nlposts title=NULL number_posts=10 time_frame=0 title_only=TRUE display_type=ulist blog_id=NULL ignore_blog=NULL thumbnail=FALSE thumbnail_wh=80×80 thumbnail_class=NULL thumbnail_filler=placeholder thumbnail_custom=FALSE thumbnail_field=NULL thumbnail_url=NULL custom_post_type=post category=NULL tag=NULL paginate=FALSE posts_per_page=NULL display_content=FALSE excerpt_length=NULL auto_excerpt=FALSE excerpt_trail=text full_meta=FALSE display_date=FALSE sort_by_date=FALSE sort_by_blog=FALSE sorting_order=NULL sorting_limit=NULL post_status=publish css_style=NULL wrapper_list_css=’nav nav-tabs nav-stacked’ wrapper_block_css=content instance=NULL random=FALSE post_ignore=NULL use_pub_date=FALSE honor_sticky=FALSE ] @title : Widget/Shortcode main title (section title) @number_posts : Number of posts BY blog to retrieve. Ex: 10 means, retrieve 10 posts for each blog found in the network @time_frame : Period of time to retrieve the posts from in days. Ex: 5 means, find all articles posted in the last 5 days @title_only : Display post titles only, if false then excerpts will be shown @display_type : How to display the articles, as an: unordered list (ulist), ordered list (olist) or block elements @blog_id : None, one or many blog IDs to be queried. Ex: 1,2 means, retrieve posts for blogs 1 and 2 only @ignore_blog : It takes the same values as blog_id but in this case this blogs will be ignored. Ex: 1,2 means, display all but 1 and 2 @thumbnail : If true then thumbnails will be shown, if active and not found then a placeholder will be used instead @thumbnail_wh : Thumbnails size, width and height in pixels, while using the shortcode or a function this parameter must be passed like: ’80×80′ @thumbnail_class : Thumbnail class, set a custom class (alignleft, alignright, center, etc) @thumbnail_filler : Placeholder to use if the post’s thumbnail couldn’t be found, options: placeholder, kittens, puppies (what?.. I can be funny sometimes) @thumbnail_custom : Pull thumbnails from custom fields (true or false), thumbnail parameter must be true @thumbnail_field : Custom field which contains the custom thumbnail URL @thumbnail_url : Custom thumbnail filler URL @custom_post_type : Specify a custom post type: post, page or something-you-invented @category : Category or categories you want to display. Ex: cats,dogs means, retrieve posts containing the categories cats or dogs @tag : Same as categoy WordPress treats both taxonomies the same way; by the way, you can pass one or many (separated by commas) @paginate : Display results by pages, if used then the parameter posts_per_page must be specified, otherwise pagination won’t be displayed @posts_per_page : Set the number of posts to display by page (paginate must be activated) @display_content : Display post content instead of excerpt (false by default) @excerpt_length : Set the excerpt’s length in case you think it’s too long for your needs Ex: 40 means, 40 words (55 by default) @auto_excerpt : If true then it will generate an excerpt from the post content, it’s useful for those who forget to use the Excerpt field in the post edition page @excerpt_trail : Set the type of trail you want to append to the excerpts: text, image. The text will be more, the image is inside the plugin’s img directory and it’s called excerpt_trail.png @full_meta : Display the date and the author of the post, for the date/time each blog time format will be used @display_date : Display post date along with other metadata, date is not displayed by default (false), set to true to display @sort_by_date : Sorting capabilities, this will take all posts found (regardless their blogs) and sort them in order of recency, putting newest first @sort_by_blog : Sort by blog ID @sorting_order : Specify the sorting order: ‘newer’ means from newest to oldest posts, ‘older’ means from oldest to newest. asc/desc are used when blog ID is true @sorting_limit : Limit the number of posts to display. Ex: 5 means display 5 posts from all those found (even if 20 were found, only 5 will be displayed) @post_status : Specify the status of the posts you want to display: publish, new, pending, draft, auto-draft, future, private, inherit, trash @css_style : Use a custom CSS style instead of the one included by default, useful if you want to customize the front-end display: filename (without extension), this file must be located where your active theme CSS style is located, this parameter should be used only once by page (it will affect all shorcodes/widgets included in that page) @wrapper_list_css : Custom CSS classes for the list wrapper @wrapper_block_css : Custom CSS classes for the block wrapper @instance : This parameter is intended to differenciate each instance of the widget/shortcode/function you use, it’s required in order for the asynchronous pagination links to work @random : Pull random articles @post_ignore : Post ID(s) to ignore (default null) comma separated values ex: 1 or 1,2,3 > ignore posts ID 1 or 1,2,3 (post ID 1 = Hello World) @alert_msg : Alert Message when NLPosts can’t find posts matching the values specified by user @use_pub_date : Display the most recently published posts first regardless of the blog they come from @honor_sticky : Sort sticky posts to the top of the list, ordered by requested sort order
‘pagination_o’ =>
‘wrapper_o’ =>
‘pagination_o’ =>
‘item_o’ =>
‘content_o’ =>
Ordered List:
‘wrapper_o’ =>
‘item_o’ =>