Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – Kioken Blocks free WordPress plugin
Kioken Blocks is a fantastic suite of advanced Gutenberg Blocks that will maximize your productivity and creative freedom. It takes only a couple minutes to create a beautiful, responsive website with Kioken Blocks. The Next Best Thing after Gutenberg With the Kioken Blocks for Gutenberg, your page building experience with the new editor is maximized. Kioken Blocks has unique and creative blocks that will help you build and design pages
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: block blocks editor gutenberg page builder
Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – Kioken Blocks free WordPress plugin
Kioken Theme
Kioken Blocks is a fantastic suite of advanced Gutenberg Blocks that will maximize your productivity and creative freedom. It takes only a couple minutes to create a beautiful, responsive website with Kioken Blocks.
The Next Best Thing after Gutenberg
With the Kioken Blocks for Gutenberg, your page building experience with the new editor is maximized. Kioken Blocks has unique and creative blocks that will help you build and design pages and posts quickly, beautifully, like a pro.
See for yourself
Too Advanced, Yet Super Simple
Enjoy the advanced capabilities of a premium page builder in Gutenberg with very easy to use 16 and more coming beautiful blocks.
Sliders, posts with custom post types, advanced animations, parallax effects, shape dividers and more!
More than 50+ premium grade, professionally designed premade block layouts and templates to use.
Kioken Blocks comes in with 1500+ line and solid icons.
Be a marketer, designer, blogger, merchant, designer or developer. Kioken Blocks is made for you. The plugin provides options and features that will help you easily build complex and astonishing layouts without entering a single code.
Template Library
Enjoy the professionally designed templates, 1 click away to insert into any page or post. They’re accessible from creating any container row block. We continuiously add new designs and templates to library, so you don’t have to waste your time on design!
Bonus: Free Gutenberg Based Theme, GutenBooster!
We have built the best free theme available for the new block editor of WordPress, and we called it GutenBooster! GutenBooster, combined with the Kioken Blocks plugin will turn your WordPress editing experience into a full blown page builder with maximum WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) experience.
Get GutenBooster for Free
Extended Gutenberg Core Blocks
Animate any block with the animator with rewindable transitions.
Change rotation of paragraphs and headings with Vertical Text!.
Change the typography of any block inside the editor, choosing from a list of most popular Google Fonts. Adjust size, line height, letter spacing and more.
Adjust spacings of any block, with responsive settings.
One of the most wanted features for Gutenberg, changing the color in part of text, now available with Kioken Blocks highlight text format.
The List of Amazing Blocks
Container Row Block: With the Container Row’s vast number of options, the layout possibilites are almost endless.Create grid layouts, add borders, border radiuses, click events to columns or the container itself(or both), or add parallax effects both to the container and the columns.
Kinetic Wrapper Block: The swiss knife block of Kioken Blocks. It is a single column container block with multifunctional features to enrich your content. Place any content in it, and add beautiful animations, custom borders, border radiuses, paddings, shadows and backgrounds.
Icon Block: 1500+ beautiful SVG icons available with custom line strengths for line icons, and custom icon and background color options.
Kinetic Posts Block: Show any post types with custom taxonomies, in 3 unique awesome layout views: Slider, Grid and Columns.
Tabs Block: Create tabbed content placing any block inside each tab. Custom options include tab buttons and content hover and normal state colors, borders, backgrounds and more.
Features Block: Create icon boxes in your content with multiple column view, or use imagery and any other content to display your product or business features. Animated shadows and backgrounds available.
Fancy Buttons Block: Create single or multiple buttons, with custom gradient, border, shadow, border radius and custom typography options.
Testimonials Carousel Block: Create single or multiple beautifully designed testimonials in a carousel/slider.
Split Headings Block: Create animated headings with reveal or curtain effect.
Divider Plus Block: Choose from 8 advanced styles for your spacer/divider. Styles include vertical line, full width, custom, with icon or text and animated options.
Google Maps Block: Place Google Maps with 6 predefined custom map designs.
Visual List Block: Place Google Maps with 6 predefined custom map designs.
Image Box Block: Create advanced images with custom text and typography, with stunning animation effects to create call to actions or just to show off a feature!
Numbers Counter Block: Create animated counting numbers with custom font sizes, suffix and content.
Open Table Form Block: If you have a restaurant or venue, you can get reservations and booking with our Open Table block. It has 3 beautiful form styles to choose from.