Proofreading free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: Errata grammar misprint revision typo

Proofreading free WordPress plugin

Proofreading plugin allows you to improve the quality of your posts, pages and all your WordPress website. It gives you the possibility to check the correction of the texts inserted into posts, pages and drafts in less than a second! Press the “Analyze” button and you will have a list of all found errors. The plugin allows to recognize different types of text errors (thanks to Here some examples of error types: * Typos * Punctuation * Typography * Commonly Confused Words * Nonstandard phrases * Semantic * Grammar * Redundant Phrases Proofreading plugin supports a lot of languages. For example: * English * Spanish * German * Italian * Japanese * French * Portuguese * Russian * and so on… For every language, in the settings page, you can customize which are the error categories you are interesting, hiding the others.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Proofreading free WordPress plugin