Responsive Slider by MetaSlider – Slider and Carousel Plugin for WordPress free WordPress plugin
Create powerful, SEO-optimized slideshows in minutes with the world’s #1 slider plugin! With WordPress’ most popular slider plugin, enhancing your blog or website couldn’t be easier: simply select images from your WordPress Media Library, drag and drop them into place, and then set the slide captions, links and SEO fields all from one page. NEW: Easily search and download free images to your slideshow from Unsplash.com Choose one of 4
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: carousel gallery image slider slider slideshow
Responsive Slider by MetaSlider – Slider and Carousel Plugin for WordPress free WordPress plugin
Create powerful, SEO-optimized slideshows in minutes with the world’s #1 slider plugin!
With WordPress’ most popular slider plugin, enhancing your blog or website couldn’t be easier: simply select images from your WordPress Media Library, drag and drop them into place, and then set the slide captions, links and SEO fields all from one page.
NEW: Easily search and download free images to your slideshow from Unsplash.com
Choose one of 4 different slideshow types, and use our provided short-code or template to embed the slideshows.
Apply one of our professional slidehow designs to really make your website stand out.
Gutenberg compatible
Included slideshow types:
Flex Slider 2 – responsive, 2 transition effects, carousel mode
Nivo Slider – responsive, 16 transition effects
Responsive Slides – responsive & incredibly light weight
Coin Slider – 4 transition effects
Simple, easy to use interface – perfect for individual users, developers & clients!
Access to free photos via Unsplash.com
Create Responsive, SEO-optimized slideshows in seconds
Unrestricted support for image slides (supports caption, link, title text, alt text)
Full width slideshow support
Drag and drop slide reordering
Intelligent image cropping
Set image crop position
Themes – includes 11 free professional slideshow themes
Built in Gutenberg block, Widget and Shortcode
Loads of slideshow configuration options – transition effect, speed etc (per slideshow)
Fully localized
WordPress Multi Site compatible
Compatible with translation plugins (WPML, PolyLang & qTranslate)
Extensive developer API (hooks & filters)
Fast – only the minimum JavaScript/CSS is included on your page
Import/Export slideshows.
Free basic support (covering installation issues and theme/plugin conflicts)
Lightbox support with the MetaSlider Lightbox add-on
Simple and intuitive interface – perfect for individual users, developers & clients!
Fast – requires only the minimum JavaScript/CSS on your page
Creatively responsive
Unrestricted full-width support for image slides, including captions, links, title texts and alt. texts.
Includes drag and drop slide reordering, intelligent image cropping, set image crop position.
Multiple slideshow configuration options (e.g. for speed, timing, plus many more!)
Preview from within the admin area
Shortcode lets you add the slideshow anyway
Fully localized
WordPress Multi-site compatible, and
Compatible with translation plugins (WPML, PolyLang & qTranslate)
Developer Friendly, with extensive hooks & filters
Includes free basic support (covering installation issues and theme/plugin conflicts).
The MetaSlider Pro includes added support for:
YouTube & Vimeo slides
HTML slides
Layer slides with CSS3 animations & HTML5 Video backgrounds
Full-featured text editor to include extra CSS
Dynamic Post Feed/Featured Image Slides (content slider)
Slide scheduling & slide visibility
Custom Themes – build your own theme
Thumbnail Navigation
Premium Support
Read more and thanks to:
Flex Slider
Responsive Slides
Coin Slider
Nivo Slider
Find out more at metaslider.com
Follow us on Twitter: @wpmetaslider
Privacy Policy:
MetaSlider uses the Appsero SDK to collect non-sensitive diagnostic data upon a user’s confirmation. This data helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.
MetaSlider only collects this diagnostic data when a user allows it via a notice in WP Admin or MetaSlider settings. View our privacy policy.