RIU – Responsive Image Uploader free WordPress plugin
RIU – Responsive Image Uploader free WordPress plugin
RIU fixes image problems, caused by mobile device and screen resolution diversity, such as accessibility, quality, maintenance and SEO. RIU keeps your subject in focus so that your message is always received by the viewers.
How does it work ?
By resizing and moving the image as a background property, in order to track and maintain the subject in focus, no matter the image size or its aspect ratio.
To do this, RIU must use an “area of focus” (AOF) and “point of focus”(POF), relevant for each image.
AOF and POF are values provided by users and coordinated with the image subject.
RIU will automatically adjust the final result, on all devices where the content is available, based on
image aspect ratio
container size
aspect ratio
image size
Intelligent responsive images
Targeted cropping
Image subject is always first
Preserve the image subject to fit perfect on your responsive web design no matter the aspect ratio or size
Easy to understand and use
It blends directly on WordPress media gallery so for the moment you can activate it right there.
The JavaScript part of RIU was independently designed and will remain as individual as possible. This feature ensures the possibility of using RIU on any non WordPress base projects with minimal developer intervention.
Watch this short tutorial on how to use the plugin:
Please don’t hesitate to rate and send us feedback or any oppinions on how to improve this plugin.