Shortcode Buddy free WordPress plugin
Shortcode Buddy free WordPress plugin
Adds shortcodes with wonderful functionalities that beautify and simplify your blogging experience. Enjoy.
[page_grab] Grabs the Page Title of each Page you have and lists them.
[post_grab] Gets the Post Title of each post you’ve created and makes a list of them.
[get_email] Gets current user’s email and replaces shortcode with it in content area or comment section.
[get_username] Gets current user’s username and replaces shortcode with it in content area or comment section.
[get_firstname]Gets current user’s first name and replaces shortcode with it in content area or comment section.
[get_lastname]Gets current user’s last name and replaces shortcode with it in content area or comment section.
[get_fullname]Gets current user’s full name and replaces shortcode with it in content area or comment section.
[get_displayname]Gets current user’s display name and replaces shortcode with it in content area or comment section.
[post_grab_content_exerpt] Gets 2 of your latest posts, and echos out thier titles with exerpts from them below.
[latest_post cat=”1″ usetitle=”yes/no”][/latest_post] Gets latest post from certain category, and it will use the title of it as it’s text for the hyperlink to the post. If you put text inbetween the 2 sets of brackets, that will show up as the hyperlink text.
[user_only_content]Text/Media Here[/user_only_content] Only loads the content within the bracket sets if the user is logged in.
[visitor_only_content]Text/Media Here[/visitor_only_content] Only loads the content within the bracket sets if the user is not logged in (a visitor).
[sb_columns type=”one_third, two_third, one_fourth, three_fourth, one_fifth, two_fifth, three_fifth, four_fifth, one_sixth, five_sixth”]
[animated type=”bounceInUP” delay=”2″ duration=”2″] Content/Shortcodes/Media Here [/animated] Creates Animations for your content. Adapted from Dan Eden’s Animation CSS Plugin. For reference, here is a list of the supported effects. Setting a duration and delay is not manditory, the effects have default durations and delays already. You can however, set these values if you so chose. Put any other listed shortcodes inside of this shortcode for a doubley-cool effect.
[buddy_box type=”red”]Content/Shortcodes/Media[/buddy_box] Makes some nice boxes that hold the content inside of them nicely. (Pro tip, use along with [sb_columns] shortcodes). Includes green, red, white, blue, and yellow colored boxes.