Simple Events free WordPress plugin
Simple Events free WordPress plugin
If the plugin detects that there is a custom post type registered with a particular name (either ‘event’ or ‘*_event’), it steps in and does a number of useful additional things:
For front-end queries fetching events, returned posts are sorted chronologically, the oldest first.
For front-end queries fetching events, by default only future events are returned. This can be overridden by setting the custom parameter slt_all_events in your posts query to true. Alternatively, use slt_past_events (set to true) to get only past events.
By default the current time is used to compare dates for selecting past or future events. To change the time used for the cut-off, use the filter slt_se_listing_time_offset. It defaults to 0 (no change from the current time). To set the cut-off to 24 hours ahead of the current time, hook a function to this filter that returns that value in seconds, i.e. 60 * 60 * 24.
By default events are ordered chronologically. To reverse the order, set slt_reverse_events to true.
In the admin listing page for events, an ‘Event date’ column is added.
For particular queries, all actions performed by this plugin can be disabled by setting the custom parameter disable_simple_events in your posts query to true.
IMPORTANT: The automatic event filtering only kicks in with front-end queries done using WP_Query. Use this rather than get_posts.
In addition, this function is provided for convenience. If an event date exists for the post in question, it returns that; if not, it returns the standard post date.
$the_post (object) (optional) (default: global $post object)
NOTE: An Event Date custom field will be added to the event edit screen automatically if my Custom Fields plugin is active. Otherwise, make sure your event post type supports custom-fields (see [register_post_type](, and add dates to events with the format YYYY/MM/DD, e.g. 2011/12/21 – this format is required to allow sorting by this field.
NOTE: The filtering performed by this plugin currently doesn’t work well with get_posts – for now, create custom loops with WP_Query.
Development code hosted at GitHub.