Simple Payson Payment free WordPress plugin
Simple Payson Payment free WordPress plugin
Easy to use WordPress plugin to accept Payson payment for a service,product or donation in one click. Can be used in the sidebar, posts and pages of your site.
Quick installation and setup.
Easily take payment for a service from your site via Payson.
The ultimate plugin to create Payson buy now buttons.
Create the payment buttons on the fly and embed them anywhere on your site using a shortcode.
Add multiple payment widget for different services or products.
You will need to have your own Payson account.
Integrate Payson with your WordPress powered site.
Accept donation on your WordPress site for a cause.
Allow your users to specify an amount that they wish to pay. Useful when you need to accept variable payment amount.
Ability to specify a reference value for the payment.
Ability to specify a payment subject for the payment widget.
Add Payson Buy Now buttons anywhere on a WordPress post or a page.
Ability to set the country code to use a particular language for the PayPal checkout page.
Ability to specify a payment subject for each payson payment widget.
Ability to specify a cancel URL for the payment widget.
Create a payment widget to accept any amount from your customer. Users will specify the amount to pay (useful for donations).