Simple Share free WordPress plugin
Simple Share free WordPress plugin
You can place share buttons just by activating this plugin.
There is no admin panel.
You can place twitter, facebook, google, and hatena(ja only) buttons.
They will be hidden at mobile screen (under 480px).
Filter hook
simple_share_the_content – Filter the content.
simple_share_get_share_buttons – Filter the share buttons.
simple_share_mobile_footer – Filter the footer buttons on mobile.
simple_share_style – Filter the css.
Placing share buttons in the footer.
add_filter( ‘simple_share_the_content’, function( $content, $share, $orig ){ return $share. $orig . $share; }, 10, 3 );
Other Notes
If you would have conflicts with other plugins you can stop JavaScripts in the footer like below.
remove_action( ‘simple_share_footer’, array( $simple_share, ‘facebook_script’ ) ); – Stop facebook scripts.
remove_action( ‘simple_share_footer’, array( $simple_share, ‘google_script’ ) ); – Stop Google scripts.