SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle free WordPress plugin
SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle free WordPress plugin
tags. Social Media: New networks: Bandcamp, Goodreads, Telegram, Strava, Blogger. Accordion: Fix issue preventing use of numbers in panel titles. Block editor: Preview fixes. Beaver Builder compat: Fix widgets failing to update and CSS for FontAwesome icons. 1.14.1 – 9 January 2019 Icon field: Set correct value of currently selected icon for non-FA icons. Icon field: Avoid requiring that third party icon families include a filter.php file. Widget block: Use JS array reduce function instead of lodash. Allow widgets registered by instance. Multi-measurement field: Fix layout. Block editor: Send widgetData when fetching widget forms. Tinymce field: Prevent JS console errors for hidden fields. Order field: Additional sanitization before rendering. 1.14.0 – 4 January 2019 Accordion: allow multiple panels with the same title. Actions when widgets’ CSS files are created/deleted. Compat fixes for PHP 7.3 Indicate when ‘setup_widgets’ is triggered for previews. Accordion: Debounce window.location.hash updates to prevent incorrect states. Don’t remove FitText window listener to ensure previously set up FitText elements still work. Icon field: Show loading indicator while icons are loading. Widget documentation links. Icons: Update to use latest FontAwesome icon sets. Sliders: Resize slides when widgets are set up. Elementor compat: Directly enqueue necessary scripts and styles for previews. Allow widget headers to be translated. Accordion: Keep the clicked panel in the viewport, if it moves out. TinyMCE field: Check if tinymce is available before using. 1.13.4 – 6 December 2018 Widget block: Fix Layout Slider not being editable. Widget block: Correct used of i18n for block editor. Widget block: Fix previews. Google map: Move global API key override to modify_instance to ensure key is available in form. Widget block: Prevent multiple API requests. 1.13.3 – 15 November 2018 Contact: Fix checkboxes and radio alignment on android. FitText: Set minimum font size to ensure readability. TinyMCE field: Use correct editor when block editor is present. Google maps: Use correct info window text for markers. TinyMCE: Remove ‘editor-buttons’ style enqueue causing conflicts. TinyMCE field: Prevent adding multiple copies of media buttons. Image widget: if no alt text is supplied add an empty alt attribute. Repeaters: Reverted some commits causing multiple issues. WP 5: Fixed some styles in the block editor. Only setup form fields in the dialog when a PB edit widget dialog is opened. Multi-measurement field: Fix autoFill in block editor and attempt to fix in PHP <= 5.3. 1.13.2 – 31 October 2018 Builder field: Prevent error in PHP <= 5.4 Avoid replacing repeater item id placeholders for child repeaters. Repeaters: In repeater setup, don’t setup child repeaters. 1.13.1 – 29 October 2018 Gutenberg: Alert user that changes will be lost when changing the widget type. Tabs: Keyboard navigation and more accessibility improvements. Google maps: Better geocoding request management. TinyMCE field: Use correct selector for checking whether click target is editor switching tab. Slider: Option to prevent hiding video on mobile. Accordion: Deep-linking for child accordions. Use inline CSS fallback if writing to file failed. Better FitText compressor description. Delete old widget styles when updating widgets. Layout Slider: Resoonsive height. Accordion: Expand when user is printing. Features: Text case adjustments and formatting. Beaver Builder: Dark styling. Builder field: Allow double-encoding to allow already encoded text in editors. Contact form: Prevent adding the anchor again if it’s already been added. Contact form: Attempt to scroll to contact form after submitting, so result is visible. Builder field: Set data correctly from JS. Builder field: Don’t encode already JSON encoded values. Gutenberg: Allow editing page containing deactivated widget. Gutenberg: Reset global $post after enqueueing widgets’ scripts and styles, which might run secondary queries. 1.13.0 – 13 September 2018 SiteOrigin Widgets Gutenberg block! Google Map: Prevent script from running further if no map canvas elements found. Removed style to set p margins to zero. Check that fallback image for static maps is not an empty string before attempting to use it. TinyMCE: Ensure target is one of the editor tabs when switching modes. Set values for repeaters which are direct children of section fields. Prevent unselected radio input state emitters from affecting form states, when form values are set programmatically. Plugin Action Links: Check if edit link is present before removal. Social Media Buttons: Added Phone and Angelist. Changed email title text. Metabox manager: Set empty post meta string value to array. Ensure metabox widget form values are saved when saving drafts too. 1.12.1 – 17 July 2018 Contact: Allow non-string values in required field validation. Initialize CTA, Price Table and Video JS widgets correctly when in accordion/tabs widgets. 1.12.0 – 11 July 2018 Contact: Add dedicated textarea height. Social Media Buttons: Adds WhatsApp social network. Features: Allow icon size to use a different unit of measurement. Repeater field: Update editor id in media buttons when duplicating item with TinyMCE editor. Posts field: taxonomy description. Price Table: Disable equalized row heights on mobile. Beaver Builder: Force icon fonts. Slider widgets: Added autoplay option for background videos. Maps: Renamed Google maps script to more sensible sow.google-map.js Editor: Prevent errors when visual editing is disabled for a user. Optimized images. Accordion/tabs: Trigger ‘setup_widgets’ to ensure any widgets in panels are initialized correctly. Contact: Use ‘From’ email address if there is no email field in the form. Hero: Filter out the align field in the button sub-widget form. Testimonials: Switch mobile and tablet resolution width field descriptions. Posts field: Allow clearing dates. Font field: Use correct value for ‘Helvetica Neue’ and added ‘Arial’ option. TA: Additional setting to allow clearing the default background colors. Contact: Allow a value of ‘0’ for required fields and subject values. 1.11.8 – 12 April 2018 Added action just before rendering widget previews. Editor: Removed unwpautop. Editor: Ensure TinyMCE field knows whether to apply autop or not. Editor: Only apply autop on display when using HTML editor. Editor: Prevent widget_text filters from running do_shortcode. 1.11.7 – 23 March 2018 Image: Add title alignment setting. Button: Add max-width to ensure buttons are responsive. Hero: New filter for frame content ‘siteorigin_hero_frame_content’ Features: Don’t set margin for one column left/right feature. Updated widget icons. Updated google web fonts. 1.11.6 – 14 March 2018 Hero: Add responsive height settings. Added pikaday jQuery plugin and register pikaday scripts for front end too. Features: item float clearing and padding mobile specific. 1.11.5 – 13 March 2018 Features: Better feature padding removal on row ends. Sliders: WCAG 2.4.4 compliance. Tabs: Hide widget title when no title is set. TinyMCE field: Added setting for wpautop processing which is on by default. Contact: When Gradient disabled, set basic background. Beaver Builder compat: Only set SOWB widget form values when editing a SOWB widget. Contact: Option to log submitter’s IP address. Add random number and set more_entropy to increase chance of unique form ids. Contact: Added ‘tel’ field type which should show numeric keyboard on mobile. Media field: Trigger change event when removing selected image. Renamed the PHP LESS parser to SiteOrigin_LessC to avoid conflicts. Date range field: Prevent initializing date range fields multiple times and ensure date format consistent. Register pikaday as common script and enqueue as needed in fields. Google Map: Show satellite map type. Translation: Add context to From strings. Add missing semicolons to Ionicons codes. 1.11.4 – 7 February 2018 Slider: Add playsinline for Video backgrounds for iOS. Repeater field: Trigger change events for repeater when adding, removing or duplicating items. TinyMCE field: Removed special handling for TinyMCE fields when retrieving data. Just use field value directly. Fixed build overwriting some CSS files. 1.11.3 – 10 January 2018 Hero: Add margin-top to so-widget-sow-button for spacing. Accordion: Added overflow to prevent Image overlap. Google Maps: Always register Google Maps script. Social Buttons: Mobile Alignment global widget settings Contact Form: Ability to control the width of the submit button. Contact Form: Add alignment options for submit button. Contact Form: Setting submit button gradient intensity to 0 removes gradient. Contact Form: Add success and error hooks. Accordion: Don’t output widget title if not set. Accordion: Icon title collapse fix. Contact Form: Add placeholder for field type input. Button: Icon placement setting. Hero: Adjustable Paragraph text shadow. Hero: Add font family setting for paragraphs. Hero: Add link color picker. Slider field: allow float values and allow specifying step size. Contact Form: Add ability to set onclick and id for submit button. Features: Add ability to control responsive breakpoint. Global Settings: Add support for global settings added by themes. Beaver Builder Compat: Don’t enqueue assets when all widgets are deactivated. Hero: Text font empty check. Contact Form: Preserve existing location hash when contact form is submitted. Post Selector: Only include current post id in exclusion if singular. Copy correct radio values when duplicating repeater items. Checkbox field: Parse string value ‘false’ in checkbox field sanitization. 1.11.2 – 27 November 2017 Fix compatibility with Beaver Builder Lite. Tabs: Recalculate height on resize. 1.11.1 – 24 November 2017 Hero: Allow for shortcodes to work. Fix posts field not displaying selected values when multiple selected. Widgets Page: Fix missing icon issue on windows. Trigger ‘hide’ and ‘show’ events in Accordion and Tabs widgets when toggling content. Fix Google Maps widget not displaying when map is initially hidden. Fix Beaver Builder compatibility. Builder field: Pass builder type when setting up builder fields. Tabs: Use correct variable for tab anchor. Repeater field: Prevent radio inputs values being cleared in repeaters when sorting. Accordion: Added title field. Fix PHP version compatibility checker errors. 1.11.0 – 7 November 2017 New Tabs widget! Contact: mention it’s possible to send to multiple emails. Features: Fixes margin causing extended page. Presets field. Accordion: Add Repeater Label Title. Hero: ability to select an image size. TinyMCE field: Remember last selected editor. Add rel=”noopener noreferrer” for all 3rd party/unknown links. Social Media Buttons Widget: comply WCAG 2.4.4 1.10.2 – 20 October 2017 Fix for links sometimes not working in slider widgets. Fix multi-measurement field labels. 1.10.1 – 13 October 2017 Fix subwidget fields initializion when not contained in a section. TinyMCE field: fix initialization in repeaters. 1.10.0 – 11 October 2017 New Accordion widget! Prevent multiple initialization of media field. Use correct path for widget banner when defined in a theme. Video: Added option to show/hide related YouTube videos at end of video. Slider: Handle links inside slider frames first and then allow processing of frame background clicks. Give repeated fields in widget fields unique ids for state handling. New multi-measurement field. Widget Manager Path Comparison fix. (allows for settings to work) Button: Use esc_js instead of esc_attr for onclick. 1.9.10 – 14 September 2017 TinyMCE field: fixed issue with filter for TinyMCE plugins. Added teaser messages for SiteOrigin Premium addons. 1.9.9 – 31 August 2017 Avoid using relative paths in asset URLs. Fixed compat with latest Elementor update. 1.9.8 – 21 August 2017 Use WordPress functions to exit AJAX actions. TinyMCE field: Initialized once. TinyMCE field: Simplified switching between TinyMCE and QuickTags. TinyMCE field: Check if individual TinyMCE settings are encoded as JSON and decode before re-encoding all settings. Some compat fixes for Elementor. TinyMCE field: Temporarily disable Jetpack Grunion editor. Use correct JS dependencies for Beaver Builder compatibility when WP_DEBUG not defined. Removed unnecessary enqueues in Beaver Builder compat for dashicons and wp media scripts. Post carousel: Only handle horizontal swipes. 1.9.7 – 11 August 2017 Contact: Added user configurable field for ‘From:’ address. TinyMCE field: Use editor stylesheets for new TinyMCE editor. TinyMCE field: Use UTF-8 encoding for text output. Sliders: Check whether $frames is empty before using. Google Maps: Prevent automatic center for routes. 1.9.6 – 4 August 2017 Slider: Background Video: Try embedding the video if oEmbed fails. Contact: Added some nonce checks. Contact: add reply-to header. Remove elementor panel width override. Editor: Fix TinyMCE editor button filters in WP >= 4.8. Editor: Preserve encoded HTML entities in TinyMCE field. TinyMCE field: Added missing tiny_mce_before_init filter. 1.9.5 – 25 July 2017 Fixed icon field selection. TinyMCE field is initialized when quicktags is selected. Autocomplete field only initialized once. Posts field sanitization handles multiple post types. 1.9.4 – 24 July 2017 Using new Editor JS API for TinyMCE field. Carousel: apply static position on .overlay. Layout Slider: Add ability to set Background image to Title and spaced the code. Add capabilities check to widget activation action. Testimonial: Corrected typo in description and corrected formatting. Enabling translation for “From:” in contact mail. 1.9.3 – 3 July 2017 Editor: Fix settings form label. Don’t select the external fallback field as value input. Social media buttons: Don’t output calls when missing network name. Use gettext for widget global settings dialog title. Image: Added link attributes to template variables. Image grid: Use get_template_variables. Image grid: Template code structure a bit more readable. Simple masonry: Assign link attributes in get_template_variables. Slider widget: Output link attributes. Features: Remove redundant paragraph from template. Google Maps: Fix issue when no matches found in maps API error string. Google Maps: Mention required Google Maps APIs in field descriptions. Google Maps: Localized strings used in JS. Elementor 1.5: Ensure widgets’ setup scripts are run after editing. 1.9.2 – 8 June 2017 Post Carousel: default image for posts without featured images. Social Media Buttons: allow empty colors. Editor: prevent text processing for cache and post content rendering. Post selector field: Fix additional args encoding. Post selector field: Fix taxonomy search. 1.9.1 – 1 June 2017 Fixed Maps widget JS error. 1.9 – 30 May 2017 Compatibility with Visual Composer. Taxonomy widget text display. Price table widget: option to make feature row heights equal. New posts selector field based on other existing fields. New autocomplete field. Currently supports showing results from posts and taxonomies. New date-range field with option to select specific or relative dates. Editor widget: Global widget setting for default ‘autop’ state. Some layout fixes for widget forms in Elementor. Google Maps: fallback image when maps API not available or returns error. Contact form: Reduced intensity of disabled button styling. Google Maps: Fix markers not displaying when queries are rate limited. Features: Option to use specified icon size for custom icon images. Updated FontAwesome icon set to 4.7.0 Updated IcoMoon icon set. Contact form: Allow duplicate forms on same page. Widget temp backup in browser storage. Google Maps: Custom marker icon for each marker. Option to specify default number of visible rows in icon field. Changed PHP LESS compiler to a better maintained version. 1.8.6 – 10 May 2017 Editor widget supports Jetpack Markdown. Editor widget global setting for enabling/disabling ‘autop’ by default. Allow setting FitText compressor strength in hero and headline widgets. Fix variable name in enqueue_registered_styles. Fix FitText not working previews. 1.8.5 – 27 April 2017 Fixed button hover class. 1.8.4 – 27 April 2017 Fixed button URLs. Removed image sizes attribute when Jetpack Photon is enabled. Fixed missing widget handling for misnamed widgets. 1.8.3 – 26 April 2017 Contact Form: Improved type Validation and added empty name check Contact Form: Add Field Design Settings Testimonial: Add responsive image sizes settings Added checks to prevent PHP warnings Improved handling of empty order fields. Small code refactoring in price table widget. Ensure all SiteOrigin widgets are grouped together in Page Builder. Slider: Remove slider sentinel contents to avoid things like duplicated video iframe for embedded videos Fix TinyMCE z-index. Headline: Fixed typo that tied subheadline new window to headline Ensure fittext is done before setting up hero slider. Ensure google font fields work in live editors/previews. Features: Allow specifying position of features widgets icons. Added * next to labels of required fields. Make required field indicator optional and display legend when enabled. Set default color option in wpColorPicker. Small refactor to make more use of get_template_variables. Button: Added field for rel attribute. Maps: Added setting for global Google API key. Small fix to allow checkboxes to act as ‘conditional’ state emitters. Features: Change text form field to a tinymce field Properly work with new Page Builder caching system Ensure footer templates only printed when editing with Elementor. Small IE8 fix Contact: Prevent form fields from having 0px height if no height specified. Fixed Google Maps info windows. Image: Don’t output empty attributes. Don’t attempt to load maps API if already loaded. 1.8.2 – 1 April 2017 Compatibility with upcoming Page Builder 2.5 release. Fixed compatibility with Elementor 1.4+. Fixed incompatibility with Jetpack. 1.8.1 – 3 February 2017 Fixed empty array warning. Contact Form: Prevent empty title markup from being echoed. Contact Form: Display email after name Slider: Account for 0 speed. Features: Fix sizing issue when using images instead of icons. Use default unit if missing for measurement fields. Price Table: Shortcode support for feature text. Testimonial: Updated text radius label and fixed resulting functionality. Revert change made to post search for link field. Link Field: Make sure we have a valid post_types value. 1.8 – 31 January 2017 Introduced compatibility system. Added compatibility with Elementor and Beaver Builder. Ensure radio inputs in repeaters have their checked property set correctly. Various Call to Action widget improvements. Use text-align: center; for features icons. Always use HTTPS for Google Webfonts. Post Selector: Exclude current post id Post Selector: Add filter returned query Post Carousel: Prevent empty title output. Google Maps: Add ability to set link for Static Map. Social Links: Add title field and title attributes for links. Features: Add title text field for features Button Widget: Add Font setting Contact: Add radio field Type Taxonomy: New Window Setting Added a way of specifying post types for link field. Introduced a global widget setup action. 1.7.2 – 09 November 2016 Made fixes to pass PHP 7 compatibility checks. Image Widget: Get alt and title text from chosen image. Replaced markup parser with more actively maintained one. Simple Masonry: ensure resize on load Image Grid: Allow 0 as valid spacing value. Editor Widget: Call WP_Embed::run_shortcode on Editor widget content Maps: Added missing typeof causing maps api not to load properly. Icon: Fixed URL output. Fixed double slash in URLs. Features: Use Measurement fields. Apply modify_form to form arrays created in the constructor. Contact Form: add email default email subject if no subject defined. 1.7.1 – 21 September 2016 Fixed case of Maps widget in sidebar causing an error on pages without that sidebar. Fixed icon field CSS. 1.7 – 20 September 2016 Added mechanism for creating global widget setting. Added mechanism for adding dismissible notices to widget forms. Unified Google Maps JS working for maps widget and contact form location field. Added icon search for icon field. Added remove button to icon field. Contact Form: Fixed clash with Firefox field validation. Properly display remove button after importing Pixabay image. 1.6.5 – 15 August 2016 Fixed dialog z-index. Added field required argument. Properly trigger change for image search import. Sanitize arg can now be a callback. Improved multi checkbox field Maps: Just call initialization function if maps API already loaded. 1.6.4 – 21 July 2016 More settings and customizability for Headline widget. Added FitText to Headline and Hero Image widgets. Fixed Pixabay image importing. 1.6.3 – 19 July 2016 Added image search functionality to media field. Moved actions into their own file. Allow widgets to provide their own LESS/HTML. Added very simple code field. Multiple widgets can have the same class. Allowing widget functionality to come from configuration. Various tweaks for upcoming Widgets Builder plugin. 1.6.2 – 11 July 2016 Fixed Firefox issue in post selector builder. Properly escape all uses off add_query_arg. Added filter after video 1.6.1 – 24 June 2016 Social Links: Fixed auto-filling of network colors. Social Links: Added 500px network. Social Links: Added title tag to link tags. Maps: Prevent JS error in when maps widget script is enqueued but widget isn’t displayed. Maps: Made API field more prominent as it’s now required by the Google Maps API. Added more general error checking. 1.6 – 21 June 2016 Added builder field. Added new multi checkboxes field. Added Layout Slider widget. Added taxonomy widget. Added slider wrapper attributes and filter. Fix for measurement field inside a repeater. Modified base folder to work independently of Widgets Bundle. Added custom icon families callback argument to icon field. Properly handle attachments in post selector Contact Form: Refactored form fields. Hero Image: Added image type to Hero Image widget. Button: Handle empty width. Image: Added filter for SiteOrigin image attributes. Image: Add dimensions to sizes dropdown. Maps: Ensure maps widget works with API key. Hero Image: Added setting to disable swipe on mobile Hero Image Widget. Fixed title syntax in Image widget. Video: Correctly get video file mime-types. Video Widget: Allow specifying multiple self-hosted video sources to support various formats. 1.5.11 – April 11 2016 Fixed features widget container shape setting. 1.5.10 – April 5 2016 Added Icon widget. Moved widget form arrays into separate functions to improve performance. Cache widget style CSS if it can’t be saved to filesystem. Improved preview checking so preview style CSS isn’t stored. Contact Form: Improved instance hashing for compatibility with Yoast SEO. Contact Form: Added description field and customisation. Slider: Ensure correct styles are applied to slider images when a link is defined. Features: Allow user to select size for uploaded icon image. Price Table: Ensure feature icons always vertically centered, alongside feature text. 1.5.9 – February 26 2016 Contact Form: Fixed hash checking for duplicate emails. Contact Form: Replace default emails with admin_email. 1.5.8 – February 26 2016 Skip empty sidebars when loading widget scripts. Changes to cache clearing. Typo corrections. Fixed conflict with Child Theme Configurator. Image Grid widget: Using correct field and image size names to determine image sizes. Editor widget: Added shortcode unautop to Editor widget. Contact Form widget: Added check to prevent email resends in contact form widget. Masonry widget: properly handles full width rows in Page Builder. Hero Image widget: Fix backgrounds URL. Price Table widget: Skip empty buttons. Maps Widget: Allow clicking markers to reopen info windows if closed. 1.5.7 – February 4 2016 Restored old class name for Image Grid Widget. 1.5.6 – January 23 2016 Fixed widget name migration Fixed hero image height issue. Fixed admin page layout. 1.5.5 – January 21 2016 Changed widget folder names to make them less verbose. Properly handle LESS compile errors. Fixed regex causing only the first 10 TinyMCE fields to be initialized. Fixed sanitization in the contact form. Fixed Google webfont function. Fixed image output for slider base. Image Widget: Added alignment options. Contact Form: Use anchor to return to form after submit Change default caps to manage options. Contact form widget: fixed – form in customizer doesn’t resize. Price Table: Added image alt tags. Editor Widget: Fixed issue where only admins can view unfiltered content. Editor Widget: Fixed issue where Editor Widget was removing new lines in code. Post Selector Field: Support for date fields. Maps Widget: Fixed Lat/Long coordinate handling. Masonry widget: fixed layout and sizing. Image Widget: Allow display of image title above or below image. Added more relative measurement units to base. Hero Image Widget: Added height setting. Testimonial widget: Prevent outputting related image HTML if no image is set. Testimonial Widget: Use testimonial URLs to link location and optionally link names and images. Contact Form: Prevent multiple submit button clicks. Image Widget: Add support for srcset to Image widget Contact Form: Allow user to set field label position. Contact Form: Allow user to set field label font styles. Contact Form: Allow user setting focussed field outline styles. Contact Form: Don’t do recaptcha validation in admin preview. 1.5.4 – November 18 2015 Fixed compatibility with PHP 5.2 1.5.3 – November 17 2015 Fixed defaults for Features widget and Hero Image widget. Fixed previewing for Editor widget. Change measurement field to work as single string. Use new measurement field for existing widgets. Carousel widget supports RTL. 1.5.2 – November 10 2015 Removed word break style from headline widget. Fixed image grid URL field. Added more text styling options to features widget. Added measurement field to use in various widgets. Prefix function name in Google Map widget to prevent conflicts. Fixed styling for contact form widget. Fix to allow multiple duplicated contact forms on a single page. Fixed Hero Image widget button shortcode in text mode. TinyMCE fields maintain editor state. Added support for WP Canvas Shortcodes in TinyMCE field. Don’t initialize TinyMCE outside the admin. Added more styling to contact form submit button. 1.5.1 – October 7 2015 Fixed: Issue with Call To Action widget being missing. 1.5 – October 5 2015 Fixed: Conflict between WPML and repeaters. Added Simple Masonry Layout widget. Added Contact Form widget. Added Image Grid widget. Added Testimonial widget. Changed layout of widgets activation page. Added Trianglify to generate placeholder widget icons. Added mechanism to use state emitters in repeaters. Section expanded/collapsed states now stored across form loads. Display once off admin notice when new widgets are available. Fixed translation domain. Editor Widget: Allow more HTML in Editor widget for trusted users. Hero Image Widget: Added top padding setting. Hero Image Widget: Can now set background click URL. Hero Image Widget: Improved handling of buttons shortcode. Slider Widget : Fixed open in new window setting. Headline Widget: Added word-break CSS. Headline Widget: Added option to set type of heading tags used. 1.4.4 – September 6 2015 Fixed issue with slider image widths. 1.4.3 – September 5 2015 Added support for WooCommerce Shortcodes plugin to TinyMCE field. New streamlined icon selector field. Added info window functionality to maps widget. Added a button to duplicate repeater items. Added more design settings to hero image widget. Removed full screen mode from TinyMCE field. Option to keep map centered when container is resized. Fixed: CSS bug for Google font imports on generated CSS. Fixed: Post selector for URL fields properly handles empty titles. Added option to skip auto paragraphs in Editor widget. 1.4.2 – August 18 2015 Urgent fix in preparation for WordPress 4.3 release 1.4.1 – August 17 2015 Updated to latest Font Awesome. Added TripAdvisor to social links widget. Allow unfiltered HTML in SiteOrigin Editor Widget if user has rights. Properly set URL scheme. Fixed state emitter issue for Google Maps Widget. 1.4 – July 20 2015 Created a base slider widget class. Converted current slider widget to use base slider. Fixed image sizing in slider widget. Added plain background color option to slider widget. Added new Hero Image widget. Fixed repeaters in sub items. 1.3.1 Fix to TinyMCE field when moved in Customizer and Widgets interface. Small developer level improvements. Fixed autoplay in video widget. Fixed behaviour of slides in slider widget. 1.3 Added TinyMCE field type. All fields now use classes to make them easier to extend. Added SiteOrigin Editor widget. Made it possible for other plugins to filter default widgets. Fixed WordPress CLI compatibility. Added unit tests. Added networks to social networks widget. Changed how repeater HTML is stored. 1.2.4 Fixed reference to siteorigin_widgets_is_google_webfont. Fixed CSS URL. 1.2.3 Fixed Javascript issue with Map widget in customizer. Added meta box manager. Small style change to flat button style. Video widget fixes. 1.2.2 Added video widget with support for self/external videos. New activate/deactivate widgets interface. Headline widget CSS fixes. Dev Feature: Error checking for widget field type. Dev Feature: Added state emitters. Dev Feature: Additional hooks and filters. 1.2.1 Removed is_customizer_preview – only available in newer versions of WordPress. 1.2 Added headline widget. All scripts and styles loaded in header instead of lazy loading. Added email to social links widget. Made carousel touch friendly. Improved input sanitization for HTML input. Added nonce request checking in carousel widget. Added sticky field to post selector. Added function to allow Page Builder to use post selector. Added a few developer friendly filters. Fixed: Various customizer related issues. Fixed: Issue limiting maps widget to 10 markers. Fixed: Call to action alignment issues. Fixed: Carousel preview. 1.1.2 Added social links widget. Framework updates. 1.1.1 Fixed Google Map preview. 1.1 Added powerful Google Maps widget. Improved data sanitization. Various UI improvements. 1.0.6 Fixed issues with adding extra widget folders. Added compatibility with WordPress Customizer. Added more fields to be used with future widgets. 1.0.5 Removed legacy widget deactivation functions. Improved how widgets are loaded. 1.0.4 Changed how widget list is loaded to fix issue with widgets list not displaying. 1.0.3 Features widget icons can now be made clickable. 1.0.2 Manage widgets page now does live updates. Added widget previews. Fixed wire button widget hover issue. Old stand alone widget plugins are now deactivated in favor of bundled versions. Fixed centering of CTA widget. Fixed color settings in CTA widget. Fixed button icon color setting. Small UI improvements. 1.0.1 Clean up of code and bundled widgets. 1.0 Initial release.