SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle free WordPress plugin
The SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle gives you all the elements you need to build modern, responsive, and engaging website pages. Using the Widgets Bundle, you can quickly and effortlessly add buttons, sliders, heroes, maps, images, carousels, features, icons, and so much more. SiteOrigin Widgets are ready to be used anywhere, in Page Builder by SiteOrigin, in the Block Editor or your theme’s widget areas. The Widgets Bundle is even compatible with
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: button Google Maps hero slider widget
SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle free WordPress plugin
The SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle gives you all the elements you need to build modern, responsive, and engaging website pages. Using the Widgets Bundle, you can quickly and effortlessly add buttons, sliders, heroes, maps, images, carousels, features, icons, and so much more.
SiteOrigin Widgets are ready to be used anywhere, in Page Builder by SiteOrigin, in the Block Editor or your theme’s widget areas. The Widgets Bundle is even compatible with other popular page-building plugins.
Our collection is growing; here’s what we have so far:
Accordion: Squeeze a lot of content into a small space.
Anything Carousel: Display images, text, or any other content in a carousel.
Blog: Display blog posts in a list or grid. Choose a design that suits your content.
Button: A simple button widget with a variety of styling options.
Call To Action: Get users moving in the right direction.
Contact Form: A lightweight contact form builder.
Editor: Rich text editing anywhere.
Features: Displays a block of features with icons.
Google Maps: Help your site find its place and give it some direction.
Headline: A widget to get you noticed.
Hero Image: More than just a large image. Support for headings, text, buttons, slides, and background videos.
Icon: For when only icons will do.
Image: A simple image widget with massive power.
Image Grid: Display a grid of images. Also useful for displaying client logos.
Image Slider: A simple, easy-to-use slider with support for image layering and HTML5 videos.
Layout Slider: Build layouts on slides using SiteOrigin Page Builder.
Lottie Player: Bring your pages to life with Lottie animations.
Post Carousel: Display your posts as a carousel.
Price Table: A simple yet powerful interface for building a price table.
Simple Masonry: A masonry layout for images. Images can link to your posts.
Social Media Buttons: Customizable buttons which link to your social media profiles.
Tabs: Group content into tabbed sections.
Taxonomy: Display the selected taxonomy for the current post.
Testimonials: Share your product or service testimonials in a variety of different layouts.
Video: Play your self or externally hosted videos in a customizable player.
Ready to Be Used Anywhere
Page Builder by SiteOrigin: Insert widgets in Page Builder by SiteOrigin in either the Classic Editor or Page Builder Layout Block in the Block Editor.
Block Editor: The Widgets Bundle is 100% Block Editor compatible. Insert widgets using the SiteOrigin Widgets Block featuring a live widget search form.
Theme and Plugin Widget Areas: Insert widgets in any theme or plugin widget area.
In Other Popular Page Builder Plugins: Insert widgets in Elementor or Beaver Builder.
Built for Speed
We carefully built each widget for the best possible page size and load time. The Widgets Bundle is perfectly compatible with Autoptimize and all other major performance plugins.
SEO Optimized
The Widgets Bundle uses modern SEO best practices and seamlessly integrates with all major SEO plugins.
Accessibility Ready
The Widgets Bundle is accessibility-ready. Tab through all form fields and settings, make changes without using a mouse.
Actively Developed
SiteOrigin has been creating magical tools for your WordPress website since 2011. We actively develop the Widgets Bundle with updates released several times a month, including new features and fixes as required. View our Widgets Bundle work on GitHub.
Create Custom Widgets
Access a huge array of features and save time by developing custom widgets for your theme or plugin on the Widgets Bundle Framework. Read more in our extensive developer documentation.
Documentation is available on SiteOrigin.
Free support is available on the SiteOrigin support forums.
SiteOrigin Premium
SiteOrigin Premium enhances the Widgets Bundle with a vast array of additional features and settings. Take your layouts to the next level with SiteOrigin Premium addons.
SiteOrigin Premium includes access to our professional email support service, perfect for those times when you need fast and effective technical support. We’re standing by to assist you in any way we can.