Social Content Lockerz free WordPress plugin
Social Content Lockerz free WordPress plugin
Social Content Lockerz shortcode plugin allows you to automatically hide any content to users until they share it on Facebook, Twitter and/or Google
Social Content Lockerz shortode supports multiple background and text colors, it also let you choose what social buttons you want to include: Facebook like, Twitter share or Google Plus One.
Plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags [social_locker_shortcode] [/social_locker_shortcode]
You can use your own background color using background=”#1f1f1f” parameter.
You can use your own text color using textcolor=”#cecece” parameter.
You can use your own text title using text=”My own title here” parameter.
You can select to show only some social buttons using type=”ft” parameter. “ft” shows Twitter and Facebook button, “gf” shows Google Plus and Facebook button, “gt” shows Google Plus and Twitter button.
Usage example:
[social_locker_shortcode type=”ft” textcolor=”#cecece” background=”#1f1f1f” text=”Use social buttons below to see hidden content”] MY CONTENT GOES HERE [/social_locker_shortcode]