Social Content Lockerz free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized

Social Content Lockerz free WordPress plugin

Social Content Lockerz shortcode plugin allows you to automatically hide any content to users until they share it on Facebook, Twitter and/or Google Social Content Lockerz shortode supports multiple background and text colors, it also let you choose what social buttons you want to include: Facebook like, Twitter share or Google Plus One. Plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags [social_locker_shortcode] [/social_locker_shortcode] You can use your own background color using background=”#1f1f1f” parameter. You can use your own text color using textcolor=”#cecece” parameter. You can use your own text title using text=”My own title here” parameter. You can select to show only some social buttons using type=”ft” parameter. “ft” shows Twitter and Facebook button, “gf” shows Google Plus and Facebook button, “gt” shows Google Plus and Twitter button. Usage example: [social_locker_shortcode type=”ft” textcolor=”#cecece” background=”#1f1f1f” text=”Use social buttons below to see hidden content”] MY CONTENT GOES HERE [/social_locker_shortcode]


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Social Content Lockerz free WordPress plugin