Social Gallery Pack – Show your Social feed, gallery and photoes free WordPress plugin
Social Gallery Pack – Show your Social feed, gallery and photoes free WordPress plugin
Display your instagram feed using this [instagram_pack_feed] shortcode.
You can display as many different Instagram feeds as you like, on either the same page or on different pages, by just using the shortcode options below. For example:
Instagram pack plugin shortcode attributes:
grid : 3 This option allows you to change the grid of instagram feed. Default: 3
post_per_page : 10 This option allows you to change the number of posts per page. Default: 10
hide_like_count : no This option allows you to show/hide like count on feed. Default: no. Options: yes/no
hide_comment_count : no This option allows you to show/hide comment count on feed. Default: no. Options: yes/no
load_more_text : Load more… This option allows you to change load more text label. Default: Load more…
loading_text : Loading… This option allows you to change loading text label. Default: Loading…
hide_follow : no This option allows you to show/hide follow button. Default: no. Options: yes/no
follow_text : Follow This option allows you to change the text of follow button. Default: Follow
post_text : posts This option allows you to change number of post text (label). Default: posts
followers_text : followers This option allows you to change number of followers text (label). Default: followers
following_text : following This option allows you to change number of following text (label). Default: following
edit_profile_text : Edit Profile This option allows you to change edit profile ttext (label). Default: Edit Profile
hide_profile : no This option allows you to show/hide profile on feed. Default: no. Options: yes/no
[instagram_pack_feed grid=”4″ post_per_page=”11″ hide_like_count=”yes” hide_comment_count=”yes” load_more_text=”Load more text” loading_text=”Loading posts..” hide_follow=”no” follow_text=”Follow us” ]
Note: If you copy this shortcode from here make sure it should be paste as plain text. ( Right click and paste as plain text.)
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