Speed Contact Bar free WordPress plugin
Let your website visitors get in touch with you easily with permanent visible contact informations. The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Russian (ру́сский), German (Deutsch) and Polish (Polski). You can add further translations with WPML. The plugin does not collect any personal data, so it is ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. Quick contact to you Speed Contact Bar enables your visitors to get in
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: address cell phone contact Email facebook
Speed Contact Bar free WordPress plugin
Alexandra Mutter, Martin Stehle
Let your website visitors get in touch with you easily with permanent visible contact informations.
The plugin is available in English, Spanish (Español), Russian (ру́сский), German (Deutsch) and Polish (Polski). You can add further translations with WPML.
The plugin does not collect any personal data, so it is ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance.
Quick contact to you
Speed Contact Bar enables your visitors to get in contact with you quickly. The plugin shows a colored bar with your contact data and social media URLs on the top of every page of your website.
The bar design is responsive and thus ready for smartphones and tablets. The social media icons are included already.
Each icon appears if you set its target URL in the option page. The phone icons and numbers are clickable to trigger a phone call. The e-mail is clickable to open a mail client.
What users said
“Perfect! Just tried it and it works!” in WordPress.org Support Forum by immortalguru on Septemer 10, 2019
“Useful addition for any business. Could be crucial.” in 10 Best Free Restaurant WordPress Plugins of 2019 by John Hughes on June 2, 2019
“FANTASTIC Plugin!” in WordPress.org Reviews by maderemark on August 10, 2018
“Speed Contact Bar là một bar plugin rất tốt cho mọi doanh nghiệp …” in 10 Plugin miễn phí tốt nhất cho Nhà Hàng năm 2018 by Duy Anh on May 18, 2018
“Speed Contact Bar is ideal when you want visitors to get in touch fast …” in 18 Plugins To Customize the Header And Footer Of Your Site by Claire Brotherton on April 30, 2018
“Perfect 5 star plugin” in WordPress.org Reviews by maartensurf on December 13, 2017
“This plugin is the only one in the whole repository that really provides what I want.” in WordPress.org Support by stepheniryna on July 14, 2017
“the BEST customer service I have received in 2016!” in WordPress.org Support by chrissavid33 on December 31, 2016
“100% recommended. Saved my time” in WordPress.org Reviews by ramarao on August 20, 2016
“Absolutely fantastic. Was exactly what I was looking for and looks brilliant on my website.” in WordPress.org Reviews by tydem00 on April 15, 2015
“It’s one of my favorites, and easily one of the best for social buttons.” in WordPress.org Support Forum by aleos97 on April 25, 2015
What you can configure
There are some options you can set to let the contact bar fit to your needs. You can set
your contact data
URLs to your social media pages and profiles and
many design options like colors
View the video Installation & Configuration of Speed Contact Bar WordPress Plugin on Youtube by WordPress Support on August 19, 2015.
Available contact data options
You can show these three personal contact data:
Headline, can be a link with an optional URL
Postal address, can be a link with an optional URL
Phone number, automatically linked to open an available phone application, can be displayed with a text of your choice
Fax number, automatically linked to open an available phone application, can be displayed with a text of your choice
Cell phone number, automatically linked to open an available phone application, can be displayed with a text of your choice. Thanks to Jim Colao for the icons!
E-Mail address, automatically linked to open an available mail client, can be displayed with a text of your choice
WhatsApp icon, automatically linked to open an available WhatsApp client, can be displayed with a text of your choice
any further content you wish by using the filter hook speed-contact-bar-data (as documented in FAQ section “How to add and re-order list entries by using hooks”).
Supported social media platforms
Speed Contact Bar supports links to these social media platforms, as ordered alphabetically:
any further content you wish by using the filter hook speed-contact-bar-icons (as documented in FAQ section “How to add and re-order list entries by using hooks”).
More social media plattforms will come in future.
Design options under your fingertips
You can set the design of the contact bar easily, fast and safe to be suitable to the design of your website:
Page types where to hide the bar: You can set on which page types the bar is not displayed, e.g. start page, archive page, search results page etc.
Maximal viewport width to hide the bar: You can specify the window width up to which the bar is not displayed, e.g. in Smartphones
Minimal viewport width to hide the bar: You can specify the window width from which the bar is not displayed, e.g. in desktop browsers
Position of the bar: You can place the bar at the top or bottom on every page
Fixed position: You can set whether it should scroll with the content or stay fixed
Horizontal padding of the contact bar
Vertical padding of the contact bar
Space between bar and page content if the bar is fixed
Background color of the contact bar or a transparent bar
Background color opacity of the contact bar, i.e. its grade of transparency
Text color
12 Link color
Lightness of icons: You can select between dark or bright icons
Content alignment within the bar
Font size of the texts and links
Icon size
Headline visibility: switch the headline on or off
Headline text
Headline HTML tag
Headline URL to make the headline a link
Shadow under or above the bar for a chic 3D effect
Link target of all links to open a contact link in the same window or in a new window
Show contact data on small displays instead of showing icons only
specify a display width as a trigger to show or to hide the bar
any further style you wish by using the filter hook speed-contact-bar-style
Do you miss some options? We will add it! Please write your request in the plugin’s support forum at wordpress.org. We will try to take a look and answer as soon as possible.
Read the FAQ section “How to add and re-order list entries by using hooks” about how to use the plugin’s hooks.
Available Languages
The user interface is available in
Spanish (Español)
Russian (ру́сский), kindly drawn up by Igor
German (Deutsch)
Polish (Polski), kindly drawn up by Marcin Mikolajczyk
Further translations are welcome. If you want to give in your translation please leave a notice in the plugin’s support forum.
Installation by Using the WordPress Dashboard
Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
Search for ‘Speed Contact Bar’
Click ‘Install Now’
Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
Configure the plugin with the options page at “Settings” => “Speed Contact Bar”.
Installation by Uploading in WordPress Dashboard
Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
Select speed-contact-bar.zip from your computer
Click ‘Install Now’
Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Configure the plugin with the options page at “Settings” => “Speed Contact Bar”.
Installation by Using FTP
Download speed-contact-bar.zip
Extract the speed-contact-bar directory to your computer
Upload the speed-contact-bar directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Configure the plugin with the options page at “Settings” => “Speed Contact Bar”.