Spiffy Calendar free WordPress plugin
Spiffy Calendar free WordPress plugin
Manage and display your events with multiple views, color-coded categories, recurrence, widgets, shortcodes, and a responsive calendar. The premium Bonus Add-Ons supplements the plugin with additional themes, customizer support, ICS export, front end submit.
Demo and Documentation
Click here for helpful CSS snippets.
Click here to learn about Bonus Add-Ons.
Post/page displays:
Standard monthly calendar grid
Responsive 3-column event listing
Mini-calendar view for compact displays
Weekly calendar grid
Today’s events list
Upcoming events list
Featured event
Today’s events list
Upcoming events list
Mini Calendar
Color-coded categories
Option to display category color as background or foreground on the standard calendar grid
Displays may be filtered by category list
Optional sort categories alphabetically
Other features:
Mouse-over details for each event
Normal popup or expanded display of lists
Events can display their author (optional)
Add custom CSS styles or just use the defaults
Display upcoming events in your MailPoet newsletters
Display week number in the full calendar
Filters to allow additional formatting
Optional responsive display for the full size calendar
Optional drop down boxes to quickly change month and year
Enter and display for each event:
link to Google map,
event category,
event start/end date
event start/end time
event recurrence details
event hiding details
event image
Schedule a wide variety of recurring events.
Events can repeat on a daily (set numbers of days), weekly, monthly (by date), monthly (by day of week) or yearly basis
Repeats can occur indefinitely or a limited number of times
Events can span more than one day
Hide all events for specific days:
Hide repeating event for a single day such as a holiday
Hide full days of events that span more than one day
Substitute new title to replace hidden events
Select override based on category
Easy to use events manager in admin dashboard
Comprehensive options panel for admin
Event management list with configurable column display, sort by date or category, filter by event status, event search
User groups other than admin can be permitted to manage events
Authors can be restricted to editing their own events only
Pop up JavaScript calendars help the choosing of dates
Events can be links pointing to a location of your choice
Events can be marked as draft or pending to remove them from displays
Premium themes
Live theme customizer
ICS export
Front End submit form with captcha
Front End edit/delete events
Import/Export events via CSV
Learn more about bonus add-ons
Dutch (Courtesy Joek Brongers)
French (Courtesy Mathieu Gaunet, www.mathieugaunet.com, contact@mathieugaunet.com)
German (Courtesy Ingrid Maie)
Polish (Courtesy of Krzysztof Kacprzyk)
Spanish (Courtesy of Andrew Kurtis, WebHostingHub)
Swedish (Courtesy of Kenneth Andersson)
Turkish (Courtesy Dr Abdullah Manaz, www.manaz.net)