Testimonials for WP free WordPress plugin
Testimonials for WP free WordPress plugin
This plugin creates a Testimonials post type. You can then display testimonials using a simple shortcode. There are three different types of testimonial style – cards, quotes and simple – and you can display the testimonials in a standard grid format or masonry format.
See a demo here
When you create a testimonial, use the standard title field for the name of the person giving the testimonial and use the content field for the text. You can also add the testimonial giver’s position and company and the date of the testimonial.
If you wish, you can specify whether a testimonial is ‘featured’ then choose only to display featured testimonials.
You have several options for displaying an image for the testimonial giver: either as the featured image, or through a URL, or simply insert the testimonial giver’s email address to display their gravatar.
How to display testimonials
Set default options in Settings > Testimonials for WP
Add the [testimonials_for_wp] shortcode to your page
That’s it
You can set parameters in the shortcode, e.g.:
[testimonials_for_wp columns=3 layout=”grid” style=”cards” ids=”167,170″ featured=’true’]
Parameters include:
* columns – from 1 to 4
* layout – either ‘grid’ or ‘masonry’
* style – either ‘cards’, ‘quotes’ or ‘simple’
* ids – a comma separated list of testimonial IDs to display
* featured – specify ‘true’ if you only want to include featured testimonials
The ‘grid’ layout uses CSS grid and flexbox to display testimonials in equal columns at equal heights. Older browsers will fall back and display testimonials in a single column.