TweetScroll is widget that displays latest tweets from you Twitter account using new oAuth API 1.1. This simple widget can be used in any website/blog. Twitter recently shutdown their API 1.0 and forces usage new API 1.1. Because of that change plugin requires creating Twitter application on Twitter Devs which is used for API calls. Features Number of tweets to load. Number of tweets to show. Three animations styles: Slider
TweetScroll is widget that displays latest tweets from you Twitter account using new oAuth API 1.1.
This simple widget can be used in any website/blog.
Twitter recently shutdown their API 1.0 and forces usage new API 1.1. Because of that change plugin requires creating Twitter application on Twitter Devs which is used for API calls.
Number of tweets to load.
Number of tweets to show.
Three animations styles: Slider up, Slider down, Fade and without animation.
Two Date format styles.
Show/hide timestamp.
Set scrolling speed.
Set delay time.
Caching tweets (Fetch tweets periodically)
Open link in new tab/window
Set Twitter icon
Set Profile icon
Supports Widget Shortcode plugin (Add widget to any page/post as shortcode)
We made this plugin because of lack of simple plugin with some animation options. Hope you will find it usefull.
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