Twitter Bootstrap for WordPress free WordPress plugin
Twitter Bootstrap for WordPress free WordPress plugin
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What is Twitter Bootstrap?
It’s a CSS and Javascript framework that helps boost your site design and functionality quickly.
We love Twitter Bootstrap on our WordPress sites at iControlWP.
And we wanted a way to quickly link the latest Bootstrap CSS and Javascript to all pages, regardless of the WordPress Theme.
With this plugin, now you can!
Works with any WordPress Theme without ever editing Theme files and NO programming needed.
Now fully customizable with built-in LESS Compiler.
Handy WordPress [SHORTCODES] to add Twitter Bootstrap elements to your site quickly
Add your own custom CSS reset file
Option to add JavaScript to the [HEAD] (defaults to end of [BODY] as is good practice)
and more..
To get the latest news and support go here: WordPress Twitter Bootstrap CSS Plugin Home to see the release article on our site.
Why use Twitter Bootstrap?
It’s good practice to have a core, underlying CSS definition so that your website appears and acts consistently across all
browsers as far as possible.
Twitter Bootstrap does this extremely well.
From Twitter Bootstrap:
Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites.
It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more
The problem?
Many themes do not allow you to add custom CSS files easily. Even the Thesis Framework! So we take
another approach and inject the CSS as one of the FIRST items in the HTML HEAD section. This way, no
other CSS interferes first so you can be sure these bootstrap file can be used as a foundation/reset CSS.
The CSS is only part of the solution. Twitter Bootstrap also have Javascript libraries
to complement their Bootstrap CSS. These may also be added to your site with the option to
add them to the HEAD of your site – by default they are added to the end of the BODY.
We also wanted the option to alternatively include YUI “reset.css” and “normalize.css”. These both form related roles to bootstrap, but are lighter.
You could look at the difference between the styles as:
reset.css – used to strip/remove the differences and reduce browser inconsistencies. It is typically generic and
will not be any use alone. It is to be treated as a starting point for your styling.
normalize.css – aims to make built-in browser styling consistent across browsers and adds basic styles for modern
expectations of certain elements. E.g. H1-6 will all appear bold.
bootstrap.css – is a level above normalize where it adds much more styling but retains consistency across modern
browsers. It makes site and web application development much faster.
Some References:
Bootstrap, from Twitter:
Yahoo Reset CSS, YUI 2:
Normalize CSS: