Waiting: One-click countdowns free WordPress plugin
Waiting: One-click countdowns free WordPress plugin
One-click Countdowns.
Countdown to a date or a certain duration (e.g 60 seconds from page load).
Unlimited no. of countdowns.
Easy visual builder with live preview that generates shortcode that looks like [waiting name=”downtown”].
Infinite colors.
Set width, height, font size.
600+ fonts.
Rounded corners.
Timezone: WordPress or GMT
On finish options: Nothing, Hide countdown, Redirect, trigger DOM events (click, hover etc).
Smooooth transitions.
Quick translation form for time units.
Oh, and 3D cubical styles too.
Loads files only if shortcode or widget is present.
Feature suggestions are implemented quickly.
Support : We’ll respond to your issue within 3-18 hours.
Write to us at support[at]plugin.builders