WooCommerce Maintenance Mode (Free) free WordPress plugin
WooCommerce Maintenance Mode (Free) free WordPress plugin
Easily choose between redirecting users or displaying notifications with the option to disable e-commerce functionality whilst still allowing product visibility. You can set your notifications to occur site wide or only on WooCommerce pages, thus not affecting any other part of your website.
Logged in admins will not be redirected or see the notifications set in the backend, so you can continue working, testing and managing your store seemllessly without your users ever being aware you are working on it and without it interfearing with your work flow.
For Premium Users:
You can set an end date that will automatically disable redirects or notications to resume your store to its normal view, just in case you forget. You can also enjoy the flexibility of being able to adjust the frequency at which to display your store notifications or redirects to your users.
You will also be able to create your custom messages with a WYSIWYG editor(just like on a page or post), making use of lightbox popup modals and be able to use any shortcodes including some bundled with the premium version for your convenience.
Requires WordPress 3.0 + and WooCommerce 2.0 +.
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Redirect users
Show notifications/messages
Control colour scheme of notification area to match you theme/website
Set for all pages or only WooCommerce pages
Disable e-commerce functionality but still display products
Use shortcodes anywhere you display messaging – Premium only
Lightbox Popup option – Premium only
Auto disable with end date – Premium only
Control frequency of messages – Premium only
Countdown Timer with various display options (& other handy bundled shortcodes) – Premium only
Go to ‘WooCommerce’ > Maintenance Mode
Specify your mode (redirect or notification type)
Specify the display (all pages or WooCommerce pages only)
Once these settings have been saved, the appropriate tab will then be added to the screen to further manage your options
Add a URL for redirect or add your message content, set your colour scheme and save.
Preview your settings and once your satisfied, make sure your activation is switched on (under general settings).