WooReer free WordPress plugin


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WooReer free WordPress plugin

WooReer (formerly WooCommerce Shipping Distance Matrix) is a WooCommerce shipping rates calculator that allows you to easily offer shipping rates based on the distance calculated using Google Maps Distance Matrix Service API. This plugin perfect for the store owner who wants to charge customers for the delivery of items based on how far away they are from the store. A perfect example would be an online store that sells flowers, food, beverages. It’s not limited to just those, but anything that uses local delivery or self-delivery business. Key Features Set unlimited table rates rows. Set different table rates rows for each WooCommerce shipping zone. Set different per kilometer/mile shipping rates for each rate row. Set different shipping rate for each product shipping class for each rate row. Set fixed or flexible surcharge for each rate row. Set fixed or flexible discounts for each rate row. Set minimum shipping cost for each rate row. Set maximum shipping cost for each rate row. Set flat or progressive total shipping cost for each rate rows: Max, Average, Min, Per Class, Per Product, Per Piece. Set custom shipping labels for each rate row. Set rule for each rate row: Maximum Distances. Set rule for each rate row: Minimum Order Quantity. Set rule for each rate row: Maximum Order Quantity. Set rule for each rate row: Minimum Order Amount. Set rule for each rate row: Maximum Order Amount. Set shipping rate row priority. Set shipping origin location using Maps Picker. Set distances unit: Mile, Kilometer. Set travel mode: Driving, Walking, Bicycling. Set route restrictions: Avoid Tolls, Avoid Highways, Avoid Ferries, Avoid Indoor. Set preferred route: Shortest Distance, Longest Distance, Shortest Duration, Longest Duration. Round the distance up to the nearest absolute number. Show distance info to the customer during checkout. Dependencies This plugin requires Google API Key and also need to have the following APIs services enabled: Distance Matrix API, Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding API, Places API. Please visit the link below to go to the Google API Console to create API Key and to enable the API services: https://console.developers.google.com/apis Donation If you enjoy using this plugin and find it useful, please consider donating. Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin’s continued development and better user support. Please use the link below to if you would like to buy me some coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sofyansitorus


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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WooReer free WordPress plugin