WordPress Block and Stop Bad Bots Plugin StopBadBots free WordPress plugin
STOP BAD BOTS ★★★★★ Stop Bad Bots, SPAM bots, Crawlers and spiders without DNS Cloud or API (EndPoint) Traffic Redirection. Bad bots consume bandwidth, put SPAM in your comments and contact form, slow down and overload your server and can hack your server, steal your content and look for vulnerability to compromise your server. Stop Bad Bots is completely self-contained and does not need to connect to any outside API
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: bad bots bandwidth block bots Bot Traffic overload
WordPress Block and Stop Bad Bots Plugin StopBadBots free WordPress plugin
Bill Minozzi
Stop Bad Bots, SPAM bots, Crawlers and spiders without DNS Cloud or API (EndPoint) Traffic Redirection.
Bad bots consume bandwidth, put SPAM in your comments and contact form, slow down and overload your server and can hack your server, steal your content and look for vulnerability to compromise your server.
Stop Bad Bots is completely self-contained and does not need to connect to any outside API or service. No DNS, API or Cloud Traffic Redirection. No Slow Down Your Site!
No .htaccess neither robots.txt required.
When a bad bot try to open any your WordPress page we show a 403 Forbidden page. Then, in your statistics like webalizer or visitor metrics, for example, you can see status 403 (forbidden) and 0 bytes. For more details, visit our online guide and FAQ page.
You don’t need create robots.txt neither touch your .htaccess file.
Not using WordPress? Check out the free standalone PHP version of StopBadBots (also Docker)
Your Bad Bots Table is updated with periodic free online automatic updates
Premium Option with Firewall protection.
Premium Option with weekly automatic table updates from our server instead 3x year in free version.
Included also Bad Bots IP Table. The plugin can block also the bat bots by IP using fake or blank User Agent.
Included also Bad Bots Referer/Referral spam Table. More than 8.400 bad bots included
Included also Visits Log with Whitelist Button
Anti Hacker: Protect also Against Hacker Attacks (with free Anti Hacker Plugin extension)
Anti Spam: Protect also Comments Form from bad bots
Anti Spam: Protect also Contact Form 7 and WP Form Plugins from bad bots
Protect Login Form Against Bots and Brute force Attacks
Stop Data Thieves From Stealing You
More than 4800 Bots, 8400 bad referer/referral and 3300 bad IPs Included!
You Can Add more …
No DNS or Cloud Traffic Redirection. No Slow Down Your Site! No Google penalties for slow sites.
Block User Enumeration
Block PingBack Request
Limit Bot Visits (Rate Limiting) (Premium)
Whitelist Table (Premium)
Block HTTP tools table (Premium)
The Plugin doesn’t block main Google, Yahoo and Bing (Microsoft) bots.
Easy to manage the list. You can add more bots, IPs and referrer or deactivate any bot
Save bandwidth.
Optionally receive an email alert
Block False Google/Microsoft Bots (Premium Version)
Demo Video
Premium Version Available
Online Documentation
StartUp Guide
FAQ Page
Plugin Site
Compatible With Anti Hacker Plugin